Cannon galleon in pond is very hard to kill and is a more effective way of wasting time than walling vills in corner. Spanish and turk cannon galleons can easily drag the game for 5 extra hours if players keep playing and pay attention all the time, micro the cannon galleons vs trebs and bbcs. And not all civs have the tool to beat the cannon galleons. If a civ lacks bbc and good trebs, there maybe never a way to finish the game off.
My suggestion (use one of them not all)
enable wonder victory but not relic victory after a certain time in ranked. This way it can deal with all kinds of time wasting behaviours. Wonder and relic victory need a split in settings.
If a player doesn’t have a TC for 1 hour, automatic defeat.
Change balance around spanish and turk cannon galleon however it is more risky as it will change overall balance on water.
Cannon galleons do reduced damage vs trebuchets
Isn’t this just a symptom of the general water snowball problem.
There are no good land units to fight against ships so it’s hard to impossible to fight against naval supremacy.
Im not talking about naval supremacy. In a water map players with water control deserve the win because he need a huge amount of ships to control the entire water. But i am talking about ponds…like the ones on 4 lakes and oasis…players who lose land completely can drag the game on forever, by camping in the small pond with spanish and turk cannon galleons and refuse to resign.
If you can’t even overcome the navel supremacy of a pond then you have no chance on a real water map.
On land you can lose your army and still win, on water once you lose your navy it’s game over.
A lot more snowballing then on land.
First of all, I’ve never encountered such behavior from my opponents. Hence, I’m not sure if the problem really exists and if it’s worth the effort to be solved.
But simple solution would be to exclude navy from “Conquest” victory condition for hybrid maps. Just add map attribute “water” and demand navy extermination as victory condition only for this type of maps. hybrid maps will require to destroy only villagers, buildings and land units.
Obviously for some maps this attribute value would be unclear. For instance, Megarandom. But it can be solved by considering map as a “water” map, if water covers 35% or more of it’s overall area.