Can't Get Help Text for New Unit to Work (Solved!)

I am trying to add a unit to the game, so far it is a copy of the Boyar that is renamed, and I got the name to work, and the unit in the game, but the Help Text will not display.

I tried using an existing unit’s Help Text ID# and it wouldn’t display that either.
I tired putting the string ID# in the “Help Converter” box and that didn’t work.
I tried putting the string ID# in the “Language File Help” box and that didn’t work.

Any idea what could be going on?

I can’t just assign any number to the Help Text ID# it is linked to the other ID#s not assigned (+21,000 over Name ID# or +20,000 over Creation ID#). Didn’t test to see which it is linked too.

ive created a unit with the name string ID 4335, and set the help text id to 25335 (+21000) and it doesn’t seem to be working - I’m wondering if this is because my language file creation string ID is 4336 - which is not 1000 plus 4335, because that is already taken by something? AKA maybe its actually 20K plus the language file creation string ID instead… will update after more testing

AHA! after testing I’ve revealed it is linked to the CREATION STRING ID! simply add 20k to that to get your help text!!!