Champions seem fine

Almost never.

Huh? :confused:

so basically you need something like a 2 to 1 champ to knight line advantage to win.
which means you need more units. which means you’re using more population/supply to win battles.
which means you’re not being as population/supply efficient.

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Looks like knights beat them, also considering you need less upgrades for knights, they are more mobile and food is actually more valueable at this state of the game than gold.

Speaking of Champions, I discovered a bug with Viking Champion HP in-game and I was wondering if it would affect gameplay, could anyone look into it? Here’s the link the to the thread: Viking Champion HP Bug.

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no whats problem with those tests? no micro, look at how often most the LS aren’t even attacking.

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Well in melee vs melee the effect isn’t that big considering if both players have the same level of micro. And if the players micor the one with higher mobility and better pop efficiency will always have an advantage. So even if micor is involved, I think the knights perform even better,

And if we set up a theoretical 1 knight vs 2 ls, the knight wins with 15 hp left. It’s quite a close matchup, but I think knights have still the edge. And I would wonder if it wasn’t like this - why the knight rush is still the most favourite play in fc if ls would beat knights?


A knight/paladin costs 75. Where as a champion costs 20. Plus knights are easily killed by non gold costing halbs. Champions far outclass them in the very late game.


To speed up teching into champ, why not have the militia line branch/split after LS. 2HS or Champion, depending on civ tech tree, instead of having to go through 2HS to champion.

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So why not making an imp tech that reaserches 2hs or champion in 1 shot and its cost decreased if you already reaserch some of the tech to champions?

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Bulgarians definitely are using them, albeit in relatively low numbers as support units to kill off pikes. The rest I can see only being used vs massed eagles or similarly niche situations.