Here is is a list what i would like to see ingame, discuss/add stuff in the comments:
Stone Walls Age 3 building.
Siege should do friendly fire, perhaps at reduced rate, but they should.
- Mangonel friendly fire
A new unit for a faction where cavalry knights only have swords.
scout no-attack passive mode.
- It will stay near its group but not run to attack.
coat of arms on coats/shields/buildings…
primary/secondary preferred colors from settings menu.
- AKA auto-picker.
Ability to merge wood/stone walls (same system as now but you just delete a section if it breaks).
ability to integrate houses alongside walls.
rotate buildings.
Rework some buildings so you can partially walk across them.
- A MOBA mode inbetween DOTA2/LOL with realistic units that inhibit a low fantasy universe (fast attacks), mixed in with high fantasy(not based on mythology) magic units (slow AOE mana attacks that burn trees and stuff.)