Chronicles: Battle for Greece & Request for slight change to Campaigns in General

Hey there,

First of all, I’m very impressed with all of the development and changes that the developers have done to AoE for years now. I was around (with this username) since about 1999, around 2k for most of that and played mostly TG’s. I was leader of StorM through all of those years and in WCL 1, we managed to scrape a 3rd place win behind I think Legion and the Koreans. I played right up until recent years, although with less frequently than the addictive state I was in for 15 years. AoE 2 has lasted the test of time when other volumes came and went but I never thought for a minute such a thing as this would happen. The story I have in my mind (correct me, I’m sure I have parts wrong) is that avid players of this game series eventually became developers and worked with the community to create patches, way more civilizations, new buildings, you name it. You’ve done a beautiful job, all involved. I was very intrigued to play the Battle for Greece campaign when it came out and oh boy, very impressed! I see others giving out about this or that but having come from it’s roots I had such a good time playing the Battle for Greece, with the new visuals in the cut scenes, the story line, the way it plays out with the Eastern of the Mediterranean map, the new building types and units, I loved it! Anyway, why I’m here, an easy to change addition you might consider;

I don’t play online any more. I usually play a full campaign or so and then delete the game and get back to using my evenings for something else until the urge to build and manage and conquer arises in me again (I’m 42 and a builder in real life and my projects don’t always fulfill that need, I really need my own land, working on this). In recent years I’ve been introducing my girlfriends to aoe and also to friends who don’t play. I have a lot of board games and my apartment is orientated towards tactile experiences, large library, arts and crafts, board games and cards, sharing food and dinner parties etc. I know you have some co-op campaigns but I’d love to see an option for playing ALL of the campaigns in co-op with any amount of players. How I see this going is myself and my girlfriend play Battle for Greece for intance, it’s single player but two of us can interact with and manage the single player. Where, for me, that becomes interesting is I can build up and manage the economy and when we go to war, I can give her missions to take this town or that, take a contingent of units and siege and vils to make a forward base and off she goes. I’ll give her backup with cavalry if she needs it, otherwise I’ll push elsewhere. Could have the option to increase pop to 250 or 300 to allow us both to have full armies and if the pop is increased, same happens for the AI so they produce more and can defend better. But maybe not even that, if it creates too much work for you. Perhaps just the regular campaign, any campaign of ALL of the ones you’ve created, you can add +1 person to co-op each other. Kinda like when we’d play a regular game online and someone would be watching but could also play, fix economy, scout, use army etc, except just for campaigns. I’d imagine it’s an easy fix.


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The ability for multiple players to control a single ‘player’ is an option in custom games, so it would be interesting for that to be implemented into the campaigns.

As always more campaigns translated into co-op form would be appreciated.