Civilization Craft: Kazakhs

So now the game is called Age of Germans?

In my opinion, the Turkic peoples in the game are categorized by region and time.

Huns → Europe / Early
Cumans → Eastern Europe, North of the Caucasus / Middle and Late
Tatars (actually Turco-Mongols) → Central Asia / Late
Turks → Middle East / Middle and Late

In view of the fact that peoples in the later East Asian steppes were mainly Mongolians, Khitans, and Jurchens rather than Turks, in my opinion it is acceptable to just add one more Turkic civilization for the only remaining early Central and East Asian steppes. The Gokturks cover perfectly to represent many proto Turkic tribes in the East like Tiele, Uyghurs, Shatuo, Karluks, etc.

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I really want to see at least one more Central Asian civs.

Age of Europe. Thankfully we can still call it AoE.

BTW, is it really appropriate to call Huns directly a Turkic?

The current civilizations are sufficient to represent the situation in Central Asia after the rise of Mongols, but not enough before that.

For this, I have long supported the introduction of Göktürks and Sogdians. I think these two civilizations can perfectly represent the two major ethnic groups in early Central Asia, namely the Turkic peoples and the East Iranian peoples.

Most European civilizations are Germanic. 11
In addition, there are also as many as four Slavic civilizations, and it is difficult to say that there will be no fifth in the future.

He has insisted the Huns were Turkic, and taken the researches of some scholars as evidences.
But I remember that the academic community has generally not reached a conclusion on this.


Which I learned not long ago. I thought Germanic and Latin had almost equal amount of civs.

*Five or at least four and half.

Yeah, that’s what I was also thinking. We don’t have 100% conclusion about the origin of Huns.

A DLC featuring this area and/or west China will be great imo. Currently African DLC is the most demanding. After an African DLC, I’ll love to see this area.


Africa is only on the top because of the technical difficulties in adding remaining east asian civi.

You mean political issues?

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Yes, I think that’s what they mean. The Chinese government doesn’t like to acknowledge that China wasn’t always unified…at least, that’s what I’ve been told. Apparently, there are games set in medieval Tibet which have been released in China no problem.

I think I figured something out for the Batyr.

I’m keeping it as a cavalry unit (sorry), but I thought maybe it could increase the HP of nearby cavalry units by 10. I’m thinking of removing the anti-fortification bonus, and giving a lesser version of it to generic Steppe Lancers as a civ bonus, or as an additional effect of Kolbasy. What do you think?

Tbh the civ needs first something to do in early to mid game and a new TB

Yeah, I agree the team bonus is a bit lacking. The civ as a whole is lacking, actually. I’m thinking.

I believe the community is very averse to auras like area effects.
There have been discussions about this kind of thing in previous forums.
Essentially, it is not in the style of AoE2.

Well, I don’t have too many other ideas, because there are only so many gimmicks a unit could use.

Yeh. To be fair, they did get around basically all of Europe and beyond. Franks +Burgundians in France/Flanders, Anglo-Saxons in England, Teutons in Germany, Goths in Poland, Chechia, Ukraine, Italy and Spain, Normans in Italy and elsewhere, Vandals in North Africa, Vikings in Scandinavia, Ukraine/Russia, etc.

But yeah, I think there’s room for another Turk-adjacent civ, and hopefully many others from other regions.

Somewhat, yes, but I think people will become more open to them over time, especially if they’re done well/not overused. When the Shrivamsha came out people were freaking out about it (some still are, I’m sure), but overall, people seem to have made peace with the new mechanic.

Maybe it’s because it’s already pretty similar to the shield mechanic in SWGB, so people had something to compare it to.

The mechanic of Shrivamsha is still essentially the use of a charging bar, which is originally the existing mechanic and expression in the game. Monk and Coustillier are also users of charging bars, so this design is a novelty but still reasonable for AoE2. So far, apart from Serjeant’s ability to build, there seems to be no design that breaks through the existing mechanics of the game itself. Even so, Serjeant’s ability to build itself is a very acceptable design, since it’s not counterintuitive that units build buildings.

I wouldn’t assert that the aura design is impossible to appear in AoE2 in the future, but it is more of an AoE3 thing than an AoE2 style. Once aura is introduced in AoE2, developers have to create new mechanics and expressions for it (such as making the affected units glow?), and players have to face things like AoE3’s Spanish Unction Missionaries, Indian Mansabdars, Japanese Daimyo, Native American War Chiefs, etc. various intricate and superimposed stats calculations.

In other words, I feel like AoE2 players expect the game to stick to a certain pure style, and expect these things to not appear in the game.

I don’t know that that’s it for most people, since SWGB also has flying units, energy shields, and other stuff that people have specifically voiced that they don’t want in AoE2, but for some it probably had an influence.

That’s an overly reductive analysis. The charging bar is just a timekeeper, the real novelty is in the special abilities of those 2 units, i.e. tanking arrows with no damage taken, and a super-attack, both of which were entirely novel upon their introduction to AoE2. Of course there’s room for new mechanics, but they need to be implemented carefully, and there will sometimes be community pushback, but it tends to fade over time. Other mechanics, such as armor ignoring/destroying attacks, getting one type of resource from another (Burgundian Vineyards), converting all civilians to military units (Flemish) were also entirely new to AoE2 at the time of their implementaiton.

I agree about the style, but surely you realize that the Caravanserai is already an aura building? Yes, moving it to units would be a further step, but the precedent is already there and the mechanics are all in place (someone used it in a mod to make a monk with area heal). This is what I mean when I suggest that people might be more open to this sort of thing than we expect, especially if it is implemented cleverly.

Not only that, but the fact that no one took issue with my Baptistery building for the Armenians (which has an area heal effect) means that aura effects may not be as taboo as some claim they are.

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Let me be more clear. The counter is a technical approach, while the charging bar is a visual representation, a combination that has been around since AoK. As for what effect to use the counter to make is not the point, because these are the application of the counter, so the player is easy to be familiar with their principles.

On the other hand, whether it is the Flemish Revolution or the dismounting of Konnik, it is just that one object is converted into another object after meeting the conditions. I think it is technically same as the common unit upgrade and the conversion of the animal unit to the food source after killing. It’s nothing new.

Whereas farmers, lumberjacks or stone miners produce gold, which I think is technically similar to conditioned resource trickle, and relic is the most well-known application of resource trickle in AoE2. Not to mention ignoring armor, it’s probably just a design of the conditions in the damage formula.

For now as far as I know, only Serjeant’s construction ability has been proved to be impossible to achieve through the original code, because the original code stipulates that only villagers and fishing boats have construction ability, so the dev needs to make additional code for this to bypass this limitation to practice this idea.

I think better do not consider area healing and area impact stats as the same thing.
I think area healing is technically more similar to existing area damage, while area impact stats is still very new, and I can’t be sure that it can be directly implemented technically.

More importantly, this definitely requires a new visual presentation design. Whether it’s an area-healing building or unit, it’s not important enough to need a special representation, but I believe that if there is a unit that can give surrounding units higher attack, health, or speed, the affected unit must be specially displayed, otherwise it will disturb the player.

Even if it is successfully introduced, I don’t think most players will like this kind of thing. Even new things that have something similar technically to existing things, like the Flemish Revolution, are still conceptually unpopular after more than a year of release, let alone new things that are technically unfamiliar.

All in all, I encourage the use of non-aura ideas. In other words, even without the use of auras, with existing technologies such as counters (charging bars), etc., there are still many potential applications without risking breaking the style of the game.

This is something one technically COULD do in AGE back in the day. You could make a tech that upgraded any unit into anything else, even earlier than the first Forgotten Mod.

Don’t view them as gimmicks. As well, think about CURRENT bonuses that don’t have all their variants yet.

For instance we have all ages somewhat cheaper and a Imp Age WAY cheaper. We also have generic Age up faster. Using these parameters we don’t have a weaker combination discount/faster bonus, nor do we have a stronger faster version of Reach Imp Age. Or any of these variations for research Feudal or Castle Age.

See what I mean? Variation and lesser combo version bonuses can keep this game going for decades of civ concepts.

Here’s another idea: Batyrs heal +10 HP after each kill. Got a little bit of inspiration from Smash Ultimate’s Spirits Mode for that one. @AllergicTable49, @SirWiedreich, @DynasticPlanet5, and @UpmostRook9474, what do you think?

I’m also thinking of giving the Kazakhs a bonus causing cavalry to be affected by Arson, as well as Kolbasy having an effect of increasing Steppe Lancer, Cavalry Archer, and Batyr damage vs buildings (overhauling their current effect), plus a team bonus of cavalry archers having an extra +3 damage vs buildings. Just doubling down on building-destroying cavalry and giving them more of an identity and unique role in the game.