[Collection] Raw Ideas to make water more interesting

I haven’t elaborated this yet, but I got a few Ideas how water could be made more interesting.

A) Scout ships: Scout Ships do exactly what the name says, they scout water. It is important cause of the new additions to water I will propose later.

B) Wind directions. Either we have one wind direction for the whole map (changing ofc) or different at different positions. Wind direction determines speed bonus and malus for the ships sayling. A ship moves 100 % speed in wind direction, 125 % speed at an angle of 45 °, 100 % at 90 °, 75 % at 135 ° and 50 % at 180 ° to the wind direction. Scout ships reveal the Wind directions.

C) Storms. Storms move slowly over the map and damage Naval units over time. Scout ships have a natural resistance to storm damage, but not others. Storms are optional.

D) Treasures. Treasures are only revealed if a scout ship comes very close and can only be collectec by transports. You need water control to collect a treasure as it needs some uninterrupted time for a transport to collect it.

E) Land Transition. Each of the combat ships can be converted to a or multiple land units. When the fight over the water is over navy is just useless pop space. It would be nice if there would be this way to make at least a little bit of use of your navy.

These are my ideas to make water more intersting. I think we also need to change fishing a bit aswell but I have no idea yet.

What are your ideas?


Or just add something that lets you put them on rollers, and slowly move them across land, putting them in a state where they take way more bonus damage from land units, move really slow, and can’t fight for the duration of the travel.


Flying Dutchman! <20 chars>

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Whirl pools. (Traps ships within perimeter with resistance to them escaping, and provides more damage the closer to the center any ship gets to the middle. Ships are able to escape.
Whirlpool slowly moves ships in a circle while slowly dragging them to the middle if the ships aren’t set to get out of it, and the longer it takes for the command to come the harder it will be to escape with any ship intact.
Whirlpools appear randomly or repeatedly in certain areas.

Ability to go down waterfalls but not up.

Garrison in docks.

Viking longboats able to be taken on land with reduced travel speed. Able to Garrison Viking Berserks only, and up to 5.
Longboats only able to be carried onto land if fully garrisoned, and when ungarrisoned or, when less than fully garrisoned, the Longboat remains stationary but able to still fire it’s arrows and ‘turn’ to fire while remaining ‘still’.

Turtle ships gain Garrison space as if it’s a transport.

Ship repair costs reduced to 10% of original cost.
(Repairing a turtle ship costs about as much as a war elephant, honestly way too much.)

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What, and just tear the ship to pieces? This is a bad idea because:

  1. It will break scenarios/campaigns where waterfalls aren’t meant to be passable (granted, you can usually walk through them, but it’s the concept of impassable terrain)
  2. It’s not realistic, you couldn’t go down a vertical waterfall in real life, and the ingame ones are very much vertical.
  3. I’m pretty sure you don’t find waterfalls in pretty much any random map scripts, so it only really applies to scenario editor created content, which it breaks.

Not a good outcome.

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It would be a great idea to introduce some kind of “favourable dock positions”.
And making passages that can be only passed one way is an idea.

But I think it would be better if instead there was some way to “block” tight passages (and i don’t mean literally block (dock block), but make it very costly for navy to pass through). Some kind of shore fortification that allows to fasten straits. (despite castles and towers deal extra damage after heated shot, they somewhat fail in exaclty this task).

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Like a boom or something? Up to X tiles of chain or something, and must connect two landmasses? Basically functions as a gate, could have sea towers built onto it or something, not sure.


like that idea, a seagate with kinda low HP, so it can be destroyed kinda fast with a seizable army, but you would still be forced to stop and expose you to the tower shots.

A boarding ship that works as a water monk. Should be as faster than fire ships and should be next to a ship to convert it. Should have better convertion rate that land monks. Good pierce armor, bad melee armor. No attack ability

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Just a couple random ideas:

New ship-types:

  1. Mining ship (can collect mineable ressources on water)
  2. repair ship (repairs other ships, kind of like a monk on water, but uses ressources
  3. Construction ship (can build fortifications on water (sea-walls, towers(weaker than land fortifications)))

Maybe these functions can be together into either one, two or three different ship types. Mining and construction should be generic, but a repair ship could be a unique or regional unit (mediteranian civs maybe?)

A unique uber fishing ship, more expensive but better stats amd gather capacity.

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I actually think in general… what about making fishing less powerful in the early game but stronger lategame with better fish trap efficiency (higher collection rate)?

Shouldn’t this also solve some of the weird stuff? And open more space for early land agression instead of fishing?

This could also be interesting. BUt idk how accurate floating defences are …

I like the wind and storm idea.

I’d add that large ships shouldn’t be able to enter shallow waters (or have a chance to get shipwrecked) and some ships shouldn’t be able to enter deep waters (or risk sinking in strong winds).

-Split Galley from War Galley/Galleon line and replace its gold cost for food, or wood. This way Galley is a trash ship and War Galley is available when reach Castle Age (Just like Knights).

-Galley line can garrisone foot units and recieve bonus in speed and damage like rams. Like 2/3/4 units per upgrade.

-Water deep bonus. Like less deep water, speed bonus for light ships (fishers, trade cogs, fire ships, demo ships).

-Random respawn of deep water fishes.

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We already have this in a scenario right.

Maybe better: slow Regeneration (?) Like just enough you can fish it with one single ship?

What about Water tiles that have rocks in it that damage big ships? Like we know of famous dangerous passages like scylla and charybdis?