They should get upgraded because they’re very expensive. The buff to tongue cards was quite poor too, the issue in 1v1 wasn’t how many units you received it’s trying to get 1000 wood to even send the card.
Automatically upgraded hussars cast doubt on the effectiveness of cuirassiers and lancers. Russians, despite their good relationship with the Order, should still not be named a tongue.
Added missing Italian tongue (that could provide an architect or a galleass); replaced French and Spanish tongue units (perhaps with grenadiers and rodeleros respectively); gave the Russian one a new name that is not a tongue, and changed the effect into improving commanderies and cavalry units instead of providing units.
Solve multiple problems at once. Make their costs worthwhile.
Yes, cuirasiers, lancers and oprichnik are useles in a serius math.
When you going to four Age the last shippement that you need are cuirasiers or oprich. I think that these two shippement may have an utility in age 3… but in age four no Matter how much devs would improve them. They always will remains useles
The german tongue is the only card that’s truly viable though there is a place for the british card especially as the longbow are buffed 10% so they can be good in age 2 but later on you lack yeoman. The russian card I do quite like as it’s a nice unit to have that doesn’t need any cards and can break a stalemate it’s just so costly. The lancers and cuirassiers I’ve never had any use for though especially without the lancers caballeros card or cav combat for the cuirs.
I dont like and i dont use german tongue. If we use the maths we can see that how the shipment cost 450 of wood, it come with 2 wagons and we can train others four wagons costing 100 wood and 100 food each one…
We pay 141 wood and 66 food per wagon (and the shippement). Each wagon works as 2 workers and are more expensive.
So if you only going tu use commandaries for wagons, I dont see worth German Tongue. I prefer to construct one commandary if I need cavalry that spend one shippement.
It’s more about it being like a second tc in age 2 letting you continue to train vills and make settler wagons at the same time. It’s a greedier option but they pay off fairly fast.
One option to Buff commanderies could be that each time that you receive a commandary shippement, all commandary’s units or comandaries as building would upgrade a little.
If you dont see problems with commanderies will be the ONLY defensive building that cant be updated… Malta is going to turtle the same. If commandaries are useles, malta will turtle with others buildings.
They are not. They are different of a stable and they are different of an outpost. They don’t need the same upgrades or even one in order to be competitive.
They are worst than a stable, and since 2 age worst than an outpost because cant be upgraded. That one defensive building cannot be upgraded has no sense. The same upgrades that an outpost isnt neccesary. But something, one way at least to make them worth as a defensive building in mid-late game.
Technically they are as upgradeable as Hausa’s palace (unless I missed something for Hausa). From the Malta home city you can get 50% hp from team improved buildings and extensive fortifications and for Hausa you get 50% hp from a 3000 influence tech. Don’t get me wrong you would probably never have those cards in a supremacy game but likewise you would probably not research a 3000 influence tech unless you are in age 5 stacking a lot of resources so effectively they have the same upgradeability for the mid to late game.
The commandry has 75% more hp than a standard outpost for only 40% more resources. An outpost doesn’t get 3000 hp until age 4 after 1800 resources worth of upgrading so in age 2 it has 500 more hp than an age 4 outpost. If the commandry had the same upgrade progression as an outpost I doubt there would be any reason anyone would make an outpost with the civ if you could spend 100 more coin for 75% more hp at every stage of the game. Since the civ has 4 defensive buildings, I think it does add interesting strategic depth if each one is more useful at different stages/scenarios of the game.
I think a huge bonus of the commandry is to teleport your villagers safely back to your tc if you are gathering
far away. That ability I think can be pretty useful in the mid to late game.
I think the cost is kinda justified to counteract the cheap barracks/field hospitals.
Commanderie dont need the same progresión that an outpost. Only some progresion, card, etc… that allow It to upgrade allowing commandarie be built as a defensive building.
If you want to give the commanderies as a defensive building in 2 Age and useles defensive building in Next ages by balance reasons ok, i understand this. But justify 40% more cost by 75% more healt when cant be upgraded…
Teleport hability is too slow, and only can teleport 40 units.
The way I would justify this is that when you get an outpost upgrade the cost per outpost increases proportionately. Let’s say in age 3 you get the 600 resource upgrade and proceed to build 6 outposts. Suddenly outposts cost 250 + (600/6) = 350 resources, the same as a commandry. Of course if you build less than 6 they are more expensive than a commandry and if you build more they are less expensive. It provides an interesting choice in age 3 of whether you value 75% more hp or 50% more attack.
Something interesting I found out about commandries is that if you garrison any units in them, the units are garrisoned globally. That means even if the commandry they garrisoned in is destroyed before you ungarrison them in your base, as long as you have any other commandry on the map your villagers/units will be safe. Your opponent has to destroy every commandry on the map to attack the villagers/units garrisoned in the commandry.