Hi! this is my first thread here in this forum (don’t know how i could miss this all those years but so glad AOM still get attention and love and ppl/fans still discuss about this almost 20 year old game! makes me really happy)
but back to the original topic: DISCLAIMER my first thread here is something simple yet a topic i always wanted to discuss - and yes it might end up being very controversial, ESPECIALLY for those who are old fans of the series. (even i consider myself as an old fan since i follow this game with breaks since nearly release)
If there ever will be a AOM2 or reboot of the series i personally would like to see some ballsy, refreshing changes to every old race especially regarding a few gods in every age and also myth units.
Archaic Age:
Greek Myth units: Centaur, Minotaur, Harpy/ (water) Siren
Norse Myth units: Einherjar/Draugr, Battle Boar, Werewolf
Egypt Myth units: Anubite, Ushabti, Afreet (Upgrade to Djinn)
Heroic Age:
Greek Myth units: Cyclopse, Chimera (could still be myth age instead of Hydra), Manticore
Norse Myth units: Frost Giant, Fire Giant, Troll (bigger better/ Mountain Giant replacer)
Egypt Myth units: Giant Scorpian (no human part), Rukh/Roc, Mokattam/Obelisk (big stone golem)
Myth Age:
Greek Myth units: Kolossus, Hydra, Cerberus (Hades) / Gorgon (Zeus)
Norse Myth units: Nidhöggr/dragon, Big Fenris Wolf (bigger better + Jörmungandr as god power), Valkyrie (flying, range and melee with spear)
Egypt Myth units: Phoenix, Sphinx (bigger better + Hieracosphinx upgrade gives sphinx hawk face and stone wings for short jump attack or wind toss), Ammit ( chimera size, crocodile head, instant kill unit)
Other myth units right out of my head for other new races i would like to see would be:
Basilisk, Quetzalcoatl, real Griffin (would really like to see Sindbad Griffin vs Cyclopse fight), Dryads, big Ent-like Tree unit, Wyvern?
What do you think? I hope you like some of my ideas. You can always ask me about my decisions (details etc). I also would love to change some aesthetics/visuals of a view units like Hydra, Frost Giant, Troll etc. for example.