Could this be a really, really, really big Age of Empires game?

Would be pretty cool going from stone age, to the middle ages, to the colonial age, and then to the modern age.

What do you guys think?

I think that would be too much.

@ImTheRealSlayer Have you tried Rise of Nations? The hallmark of each of the Age of Empires titles is focused on a relatively specific timeline or Age in history.

@rhrmn said:
@ImTheRealSlayer Have you tried Rise of Nations? The hallmark of each of the Age of Empires titles is focused on a relatively specific timeline or Age in history.

No i havent! I’ll have to take a look then!

@“Andy P” said:
I think that would be too much.

I see where you are coming from.

I guess you could have late stone age, bronze/iron/classical age, late classical/medieval age and late medieval/early modern age, maybe even with a fifth age on top of it, but I’m not really feeling the hype yet.

Rise of Nations has a much more layered structure, with 8 ages. The world conquest campaign only let you go up one age per map, so it’s not like even they really believed in having all that history within a single match. It’s a cool game with its own fans, I kind of prefer the more compact “typical” aoe approach.

Agree with Pan Calvus, compact and good at that, rather than extensive and shallow.
I also feel like an entire history span only works in a long game like Civilization.

@IamDalv said:
Agree with Pan Calvus, compact and good at that, rather than extensive and shallow.
I also feel like an entire history span only works in a long game like Civilization.

@“Pan Calvus” said:
I guess you could have late stone age, bronze/iron/classical age, late classical/medieval age and late medieval/early modern age, maybe even with a fifth age on top of it, but I’m not really feeling the hype yet.

Rise of Nations has a much more layered structure, with 8 ages. The world conquest campaign only let you go up one age per map, so it’s not like even they really believed in having all that history within a single match. It’s a cool game with its own fans, I kind of prefer the more compact “typical” aoe approach.

I see where you’re both coming from. Thanks for the feedback!

It could probably work quite well if you’re not tying in with real history too closely, since the games are quite abstract. Aoe2 starts at the same kind of tech level as aoe1 after all, and even the end level is not that different. But the historically inspired campaigns might get a bit fuzzy from throwing all of it together. But maybe the developers think they know how to make it happen, and who would I be to argue?

@“Pan Calvus” said:
It could probably work quite well if you’re not tying in with real history too closely, since the games are quite abstract. Aoe2 starts at the same kind of tech level as aoe1 after all, and even the end level is not that different. But the historically inspired campaigns might get a bit fuzzy from throwing all of it together. But maybe the developers think they know how to make it happen, and who would I be to argue?

I see what you mean, but campaign levels can be started at a certain age, and some campaign levels don’t even let you go up from castle (AoE2 - William Wallace learning campaign)

In Summary, it could work, but people want an “age specific” game.