I’m not the one who wandered in here to be “crass” at the expense of people who like the game.
By all means, dislike the game. But that wasn’t your argument, was it? You had to get a bit in about the people who like Age IV.
Anyhow, if you’re aware of how stags and woodland are often connected in myth, and you know AoM exists, it kinda feels like you’re just nitpicking Age IV for the sake of it. Fantasy has priors. The timing came around the news of AoM: Retold. It’s good marketing. The point of a game is to be played. Bug fixes aren’t marketable. Trust me on that.
If you go on about on about how much you think the game sucks, don’t let me stop you. I only replied in the first place because of the obvious dig at people who enjoy the game.
An opinion can be both a valid opinion, and someone else can think it silly.
Criticism of criticism is criticism. It’s all allowed. It’s all opinion. Most importantly, it’s all speech. Calling it “censorship” just because you don’t like it is a dangerous path to walk!