Daily Challenges 2025

I will be brief:
These events should be banned in deathmatch mode, meaning that if you play/finish an event in deathmatch, it shouldn’t be considered completed. There are several ways to finish some events literally in 2-3 minutes, for example if you play “Tiny map”…

train 25 heroes ? Easy,After respawning, you delete it and then train again. -.- , event completed in 5 minutes !
train 25 scout ? no problem build 5-10 temple (set,deathmatch),train 25 priest , event completed in 5-10 min
win 5 skirmish game ? Easy,create 1 vs 1-Tiny map , event completed in 5 minute

I’m not sure what will be included in the upcoming events, but I think deathmatch should be banned !!!

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Some are too easy like that I agree but I am happy that they are easier cause e.g some portrait you get if you win x matches if this would be just multiplayer/ranked this would take really long in my case.

I think some want really a challenge and hard to get portraits others just want to collect and time is the biggest enemy.

I guess I am something in between.

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I don’t like the fact that they put the portrait of some gods with the base game and some other are locked behind challenges.
But I do think that there are a lot of ways to cheese AoM challenges and they should do something about it.

Well, the challenges are meant to make people to play and have fun. If they just want the picture and are willing to “cheat” for that, so what?


Yes I agree it’s not so important if the players “cheat”, the main idea behind that is to bring more people to the game


The one I see causing trouble is if I have read correctly, is TRAINING 2025 ANIMALS OF SET!


I’m doing them normally, that is, I play the game and then I focus on the challenge… I would like it to be like in AoE 3 where the progress of the challenge would appear while you were doing it…


Ok… I have a skirmish settings which I use to practice build orders in and as soon as I age up I just resign and quit the game… It just completed a challenge for me… They really should add something that stops progress in games that are not actually games.

A week later the challenge is exactly to play DM (⊙_⊙;)

They could add something to inform progress in-game. Was painful to train TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY FIVE animals of Set without any idea how many did I train before winning the match.

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I have problems with the day 7 challenge. I played two arena of the gods scenarios and it doesn’t count towards the challenge. And I really hate that mod.

Play the first five missions in the official arena of the gods not the one from mod manager by nottud. Mod scenarios don’t count.

@OP let people play how they want, you sound like a control freak. Atleast people will get to try deathmatch mode then.

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It’s not about Deathmatch. It’s about there are too many ways to cheese these challenges. I got an achievement while having cheats enabled in an offline lobby. That’s not fair.


I think Day 7 challenge is bugged as well. I remember the day I came out we beat 1 hour AotG (official version) co-op with a friend but it didn’t count as progress to the calendar.

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For what I saw, it’s bugged and only count if you play the tutorial scenario of aotg (the first one)

I got that bloody set animal achievement after about 5 artificially stretched hours of one bot game with unlimited resources.
Maybe PC aswell as my mental state and patients nearly gave up. - to then realise if I would have read it correctly I can do it in several matches lul

On the other hand ones like isis are so easy to get “just place 5 monuments” well unless you get rushed very early which can be especially happen when you play versus butthard Norse and Atlantean players. Still got it on the first try.
(And I think the isis portrait is way more beautiful than the (still cool) elite warelephant portrait