DamageCap value, AbstractCoyoteMan tag . Is there a dictionary for this?

DamageCap value, AbstractCoyoteMan tag . Is there a dictionary for this?

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This is a great idea. Needs to go into wiki at the very least (where is that by the way?)

There is an Aoe series wiki at Fandom

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yep but they dont have this explained

DamageCap is used by units with an area attack, generally the damage cap is 2x the attack value.
Artillery have 3x their attack value for the damage cap, so for example a falconet with 100 damage can not deal more than 300 damage (before multipliers) even if it hits 20 units at the same time.

AbstractCoyoteMan is an alternative for Melee cavarly, coyote runners, tiger claws and a few other “shock infantry” are not actually infantry, they behave like cavalry and because theyre pretty low health their counters get smaller multipliers, you will see pikeman with 5x vs cav and 3.5x vs shock infantry.


meele cavalry? i dont think so they are ‘AbstractHeavyCavalry’ no?

The WarWagon is Heavy Cavalry.

no, its isnt, its light cavalry and cavalry