I just finished the Age of Empires 2: Indian Dynasties campaign.
Considering that they already covered the Chola and other dynasties before the Delhi Sultanate (Wich is either represented by Hindustanis) and the rest of the sultanates of India came, I have the suspicion that to add the INDIANS as a new civ. they are going to choose the Vijayanagara empire (XIII- XVI ), and perhaps the kingdom of Sri-Lanka.
Trying to make my own speculation of this civ (Vijayanagara) come the same problem that happened in Age of Empires 2: Forgotten, "the Hindus lacked elephants because the Persians already had them as their unique unit. I see that the solution they have come up with in the latest DLC is that the “Elephant Archer” had became a common unit for Indian civs, and the Siege Elephant replaces the battering ram. That seems fine to me.
What if they try to add Vijayanagara and Sri-Lanka as civ in Aoe4, considering melee elephant and archer elephant are unique units of Delhi Sultanate? I think that just as it happened with Mali and the Ottomans with the Imam, the elephants will become shared, a common unit, both for these empires and for possible civ from southern China (Indonesia, Myanmar, etc.)
This being the case, it is worth asking: Will the Schoolar remain alone as the only “unique” unit of the Delhi Sultanate? I have a sneaking suspicion they might be considering giving him an extra unique unit, the Aoe2 Ghulam possibly.
Suggestions for Delhi:
1.- Additional unique unit.- Give it one more unique unit, (Ghulam for example). They’re going to have to if the civ wants to differentiate itself sufficiently from the Vijayanagara.
2.- Elephant Stampede Ability.- Give some ability to the elephants, such as “stampede” so that they accelerate for a few seconds and are dangerous, but obviously it only lasts for a while and has cowldown, so at least they reach the enemy base on time and they remain a dangerous force. They make a unique tech in Aoe2 to persians to “speed up” the elephants
3.- Unique Tech.- To speed up the slowness of elephants, as Mahouts of Aoe2. It can even be “expert Mahouts”, or whatever but improve them.
4.- Lower cost.- To make them more profitable… seriously, a paladin costs much less, and that there are civs that can produce them in feudal.
5.- Consider that in a future those new civs with elefants need to use Elephant, this units need to be more powerful or at least a threat, or if not, Delhi would not be the unique civ. whose player dont use the elephant units… at least in ranked 1vs1.