Delhi - Tech Tree Information Needs Updates

All Religious Technologies need to be looked over as most of the times do not align with the current in-game state.
All research times need to be updated in the tech tree.
Efficient Production and Swiftness technologies under Mosque list food and gold as a cost, when they don’t cost food and gold.

Didn’t go through all of them, but it looks like a lot needs to be checked over. Maybe the team is holding off on this until the balance changes are more solidified? :thinking:


Hey @Drumsin! Was this seen after the Season Two update? I do know there was some Tech Tree work slated to land in that update (not sure if it pertains to this report or not).

Confirmed just now. Yes, they appear still incorrect after the season 2 update.
One example, not suppose to cost food or gold, but also the other research times are out of date on many.

Gotcha! Resource costs at the very least should be taken care of very soon.