Delhie Sultanat priest doesn't place the Reliques into the Mosque

Delhie Sultanat:

With the Delhie Sultanat is it not possible to place a Relquie via Shift-Click into your Mosque. The Delhie-Priest place itself into the Mosque instead,… and your ######## disappears. That means: There is no Gold generetion.

There is no icon, no Symbol which indicates you the Player where your ######## is. So you don’t know which Priest in which Mosque the Relique has.

Or whether any priest secretly holds a relique in his hand in a Mosque like a thief Hidden from the (player) world.

Why does not simply place the ######## into the Mosque AND the Priest – both!

Or at least: Just only place the ######## into the Mosque with the Priest standing than before with empty hands (no ################### ).
That would be at least better, because the player can at least see what’s going on.

Next Thing:

There are tons of Tooltips, where the player can see that the game doesn’t work correctly. So the player cannot trust the game!

For Example Villagers production time french civ is 25% faster.

The original production time – without Bonus – is 20 Seconds.

25% faster means, that the production time has to be 15 Seconds then.

It does not Work! It is just always 16 Secons production time at the maximum state (IV).

The Production Bonus from the cavalryschool from the french boost the production time of the horses with 20% Bonus. It does not work! It has maybe 16% or Something.

(26 Seconds -20% should be at least 21 Seconds production time for the royal nights instead of 22 Seconds. (The speed upgrade in the forge is already factored))

One positive thing: The 20% and later the 25% Discount for Horses and Distance Combat Units near a keep for the french, work correctly.

The Mainwark Palace from the Holy Roman Empire the same: It does not work correctly!

Mainwark Palace does two things. One thing work correctly, the other thing not.

The english:

The crop fields has a production bonus from 30% in the last state (IV).

In the reality you have only 20%. I measured it.

The list is “endless”… .

The ottamans and so on, and so on.

Please, just make the game simply work. It is already 2 years old…!

At least the basics, please!

WTF, why are those ##### symbols sometimes there??? Holy Moly…