@devs Are masteries of gathering accumulated throughout different matches?

are masteries of gathering accumulated throughout different matches?

the 5th french mastery called clever commerce requires you to accrue 2000 (THOUSAND) food, wood, or stone from traders in feudal age.

do i have to do it in a single game or is accumulated over various matches (carries over to following games?)?

also, is there a way to track this progress ingame ???

thanks these masteries are somewhat confusing idk

You have to complete the mastery requirement in a single game.

There is no partial progress that carries over.

wow ok. some of these masteries are silly like u wouldnt do em in a real game haha

It would be great to see progress for this in-game!
It would also be nice to be able to launch a skirmish directly from the mastery page that has the basic settings required (CIV, Difficulty, etc.)
Right now I’m having an issue of this not completing and my mastery not progressing around the 4th or 5th task on the first several CIVs wondering if this is a bug?

Yeah, they really are.

I think the idea of them is to really force you to use one mechanic or do one thing a lot to get that thing down. In this case they’re trying to get you to really make use of the market.