this will help especially on 2560 x1080p resolution as the IU is on the extremes of the screen and it could take a little more time to cancel quees or to be faster cancelling queues

if i want to cancel that shipment i have to press f2 then click on it, and it would be etter if i just could click on it using the right button of my mouse
Yes, this trivial little feature will make a lot of people laugh.
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Won’t oppose if this feature is enabled, as going across the screen and to home city is much of time wastage!
just like , SELECT A DECK why I need 2 clicks to select a deck when I can just go to home city and be able to view and select the decks , directly!
Liking this idea and also add this to AoE 2 DE
Yeah I can’t wait to delete everything by missclicking on it !! 
Bad idea, and if they add a confirmation click then it’s useless. Don’t do it please…
well then do it ctrl + right click, or something, i lose many time in clickin on the icon then clicking on canceling the unit on the other side of the screen