Devs respond to zoom request from beta


Yeah you can feel cheated.

Dev tools. The camera is easier to change than you may think.

I suggest none of you buy the game if you feel scammed/cheated. Refund immediately.

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I don’t feel scammed/cheated. I just feel that they don’t give a damn about the feedback we give at some point. If they like to have a red car in a game, it will stay like that even if 80% of the playerbase ask them to change it to blue, they will just simply give a damn about it and leave the car red.


I’ve explained in another thread about how the news article we’ve seen is badly written and may not even be the most recent stance of the devs.

I think people are seeing it as too much of a statement when it could really be just bad communication.
It doesn’t help that we haven’t heard anything yet. But I also feel it is a bit drastic for some people to be assuming its all just over. That all their feedback hasn’t been taken into account.

And now people are talking about being cheated.
Just wait for release or a proper statement? Then we can all agree?

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also u can say u dont care about zoom
But what u will do about me? I’m feeling cheated.
Adam answered and continued marketing with more zoom under the disclaimer “in-game footage”.


Don’t buy the game unless it has what you want.
Refund your preorder if you made one.

Thx for generous advice.

Dont buy game which u have been waiting for 20 years.

Advice can be good in other threads, but it has nothing with “false advertising”

either both parties dont make statements. Adam dont release trailers. Or we can discuss whatever we want, and how we are cheated.
The easiest way to “shut up” our discussion - dont release any material
 but it’s too late.
Ask devs, not us.


If you bought the game, played it, and then see that the things are not as they said they would be, then you can consider yourself cheated, but not before.


If i preordered, played can i consider mysellf cheated now?
Why u make it so complicated?
Trailers vs Adam statement - atomic facts which can be analyzed.
better write negative feedback here before release, than wait fixes for another year after release (remember ladder in reforged

If they fix it - fine, but now they doing and saying two different things.


Post this in the memes section please .
It’d be more visible

Masterpiece of a meme. 11


Except that those of us who were not invited to the beta cannot play the game so we have only screenshots and interviews to reference on the internet when deciding whether or not to preorder.

Accordingly, I cancelled my preorder and recommend everyone do the same, since we have no way of knowing what the game is like. I can say with certainty the interview resulted in me canceling my preorder (because there is no possible chance of me playing a super zoomed in RTS, ever), that is a definite fact. I swtiched back to AOE2 DE from AOE3 DE partly for the zoom level and then switched back to AOE3DE when they fixed the zoom level in the new beta patch. I actually complained about the zoom level in AOE3 DE when it first released in both the beta testing feedback and on the forum in the correct spot, and then they actually fixed it a year later! So maybe they will eventually fix AOE4 too. I would recommend cancelling your AOE4 preorders and buying the AOE3 DE latest expansion and supporting that game instead, that is what I did. Vote with your wallet.

At this point you’d have to be nuts to pre order the game unless you tried the beta and liked it with the zoom level and graphics.


The game will be like what the developper want it to be.

No real choice but to play the game has it was made.

For the best and for the worst, i buy the game and already preoder.

Let see when game come out.

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I loved the beta, have not pre-ordered, but will probably buy at release.
I totally agree though, it doesn’t merit a pre-order at this point, especially if you haven’t even tried it in beta. They still have time to step up the marketing and do an open beta and would probably see more pre-orders that way.


No need to pre-order you can play it day one on the Xbox gamepass where you can get your first month for only 1€. After that you can decide whether you want to actually buy the game.

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Great tip about the xbox gamepass deal thanks! Although upon release I will be able to look at actual footage of people playing the game and see what the zoom level actually is then.


I played in the Beta. I too hope for a bettter zoom feautre. :smiley: :smiley:


Yeah that is true although I would totally recommend to just try it. Especially since it is such a low investment. Playing is helps way more in deciding whether a game is good than watching someone else playing does. :wink:

No. You can learn all you need to know about the game just by looking at it. :smiley: :smiley:

Nah there have been plenty of times where I thought a game looked bad and it was actually great as well as games that looked great but felt just boring to me. Nothing beats actually trying out a game and seeing for yourself if you like the gameplay.

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NO. It will be like what the MARKETING TEAM AND CORPORATE MANAGERS think will SELL MORE COPIES. Games are a business. NOT a hobby. Especially when you are RELIC and have 260 EMPLOYEES. Each of which cost approximately 80K American Dollars. (Lowest estimate - Actual average for Triple-A games is approximately 100K per person per year, OR 10K per month). This is the COST TO THE BUSINESS PER EMPLOYEE PER YEAR. This is NOT the salary per employee.

So if you use the LOWEST ESTIMATE of 80K and MULTIPLY the number by 3 YEARS. Which is the average development time for a game. Then MULTIPLY by 260 for the number of EMPLOYEES AT RELIC ENTERNTAINMENT.

That number is approximately 60 MILLION. Then DOUBLE THAT NUMBER to add the marketing cost. Which is usually (apporximately) the same amount as the game development cost. :smiley: :smiley: