Disappointment with representation

Ha, yeah they did. The USA wasted zero time in trying to settle more land out west once they shook off Britain’s yoke. Ask Tecumseh, or Andrew Jackson.


That is just expansion not colonalism. US never colonized till Hawaii and Philippines after Spanish war.

What’s the difference? Most of these settlements out west weren’t granted statehood immediately. Granting statehood and moving in US troops was often justified on the basis that American settlers who had earlier encroached on the land needed protection. The US government not officially using the word “colony” doesn’t mean it wasn’t colonization.


Of course, we don’t have to be so complaining about the names of the ages…everything is history, and it is always subject to debate…

Of course, if age were realistic, you would have to start aoe 2 in a medieval fortified city post-fall of the Roman Empire and aoe 3 you would have to start in an imperial and Renaissance city … but those of Ensemble Studios were clever and had us torn off in a small medieval village or in a newly founded colony…

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Yes, they could change the name to villagers no?..