[Discuss]Civ Selection Panel Retouch Idea

I am working on the retouching the civ selection panel(MOD), including adjustment of color contrast, font size, padding. I need your opinions on it :stuck_out_tongue: .

Current layout for your reference.


Please give the game the oldskool feel back.

Please, just remove the animated transitions and I will suscribe it for sure

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Hey Anne, I’m super excited to see that you are working on this! Ideally we could just bring back the original civ select screen? As you have replied to someone here: Mods Single - Age of Empires


I’m curious about how you made your Old Main Menu mod. Is the screensimplemainmenu.xaml file in your mod existing in earlier patches, or did you create it from scratch? (Does the old main menu use the screenmainmenu.json file?) If you could make a tutorial, we could contribute to reverting all the new UI’s.

Also, I found an improvement to your old main menu mod. Because we no longer need the Options button on the upper right corner, you could delete the following lines from panelplayerlogin.xaml file (line 55-75):

    <Grid x:Name="GridOptionsDialog" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">
            <local:Age2Button x:Name="ButtonOptionsDialog" Style="{StaticResource ButtonImage}" Width="90" Height="90" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontSize="1" TextLocale="19299" HelpLocale="IDS_OPTIONS_COG" TestKey="Background/ButtonCog">
                    <local:Age2Button Style="{StaticResource ButtonImage}" Effect="{x:Null}" NormalBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_normal}" HoverBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_hover}" ActiveBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_active}" DisabledBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_disable}" IsTabStop="False" KeyboardNavigation.IsTabStop="False" KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigation="None" KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigation="None">
                   <Rectangle Fill="{StaticResource button_small_normal}" Margin="-3"/>

            <local:Age2Button x:Name="ButtonOptionsDialogDisabled" Style="{StaticResource ButtonImage}" Width="90" Height="90" VerticalAlignment="Top" TextLocale="200025" FontSize="1" ForegroundBrush="{StaticResource button_player_icon_disable}" HelpLocale="IDS_XBOX_SIGNIN_POPUP_MESSAGE">
                    <local:Age2Button Style="{StaticResource ButtonImage}" Effect="{x:Null}" NormalBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_normal}" HoverBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_hover}" ActiveBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_active}" DisabledBrush="{StaticResource button_options_icon_disable}" IsTabStop="False" KeyboardNavigation.IsTabStop="False" KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigation="None" KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigation="None">
                   <Rectangle Fill="{StaticResource button_small_normal}" Margin="-3"/>


Can I add you on Steam for further discussion? Steam code: 394520436

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