Take 50 fully maxed out Imperial Strelets and put them up against 50 Imperial Skirmishers in the Scenario Editor. How bad is the outcome?
Skirmishers steamroll them with more than 30 of them leftover. With 20 range, all of the Skirmishers snipe the front line of Strelets while the back rows of Strelets stand there idle, not knowing they’re in a gunfight.
Already at a numbers disadvantage, the Strelets fire back, but to less effect. This is due to the lesser range of Strelets, having ~80% of them engaged, and having lower attack damage with the Skirms having higher HP. They only manage to kill a few Skirmishers in the first volley.
The Skirms then fire back with the entire squad, and obliterate the next row of Strelets. The Strelets are even less in numbers, and then they attempt to kill more Skirms, to a lesser effect than before. Rinse and repeat, it’s a domino effect until you have many Skirms leftover and no Strelets standing.
This the reality of skirm wars for Russia in treaty games. Even with all the cards and buffs applied, Strelets still suck and they can’t win heads up fights for Russia. So let’s refute the counter-arguments:
“But they’re so cheap, they’re supposed to be weak and cost-efficient.”
Yes, I don’t need to be preached on their costs and original intent of their design again. But look at overall performance in the end - Am I winning economically or militarily with them? No. Are you confident putting up 50 Strelets against 50 Skirms? They’re supposed to counter each other, right? Your “advantage” of cost efficiency is negated because 1.) you have to replenish a lot faster than your enemy since they die fast, and 2.) you aren’t killing the enemy fast enough to make them consume resources to gain an economic edge.
“So then use cannons and Cossacks, duhh…”
Assuming the artillery is equal and the skill in micro’ing the artillery is equal as well, you will still be at a disadvantage. The DPS from your Strelets still won’t match the Skirmishers, and you will still see your Strelets dying faster than the Skirms on the battlefield from the gunpowder fight alone.
You certainly do have an edge with Cossack swarming versus their Hussars. I can agree to that. However, doing this swarming cavalry tactic repeatedly drains your eco quick from food and gold. And Cossacks unfortunately do die faster due to less HP, even with higher ranged resistance. This can also be countered by civs doing the same cav swarming you’re doing, and again, you’re at a disadvantage because the Strelet mass a mere 24 ranged attack per shot. Thus, with weaker ranged attack in general, you can’t kill incoming cavalry alone with a Strelet mass. You are still at a disadvantage on the battlefield.
A little math - 50 fully upgraded and carded Imperial Strelets will have 72 ranged attack (24 x 3) and 202 HP, and will give you a total of:
A possible 3600 damage per shot (to infantry),
And 10100 total HP
Compared to 50 Imperial Skirmishers with 99 attack (33x3) and ~260 HP each, you will get about:
A possible 4950 damage per shot,
And a total mass of 13000 HP.
The difference between 4950 damage and 3600 damage is a lot. If you’re fighting musketeers with 375 HP, that would mean that the Skirmishers could 3-4 musketeers faster than the Strelets with every shot, which will domino as the gunfight drags on.
And the difference of 2900 HP means that it would take about 14 more Strelets (or 9-10 Rusketeers with 300HP) just to even match the collective HP of the enemy Skirms. You don’t have extra pop space! You’re not China with 220, so don’t even think about being able to out-mass them.
Simply said, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage even making infantry units.
So you get the point – everyone already knows Russia has weak infantry, especially their Strelets. Their weakness isn’t truly compensated by their cost-efficiency because of their inability to stay on the battlefield and to kill as effectively as their European or Asian (or even Native American) counterparts.
The buffs were highly appreciated for Russia (+2 Strelet range, +10% attack and HP for Rusketeers, Engineering card, cheaper church Tech, etc.). But still even with these, everyone should try to play a treaty game as Russia versus Sweden, Spain, or Portugal in a heads-up match. If you get a positive KD/R against a good player, I seriously commend you lol.
So what am I saying? Let’s just make the Strelet more viable in the late-game/treaty, since we know it’s really not pop-efficient.
With the intent of its original design (weaker, cheaper, but quick to mass in purpose of swarming the enemy), I want to re-ignite an idea from @Khorix9572 – make Strelets half-pop. However, we should do via the re-working of the Age 4 card: Strelet Horde.
Imo, I think people just use it for the effect to squeeze 10% more HP out of Strelets. However, the half-pop idea fits very well with the name, “Strelet Horde" and 60 Strelets fighting 40 Skirms is more viable.
The drawbacks are still there: not all Strelets can shoot (16 range). If abused too much, it would drain the Russian player of food and wood. And no other Strelet stats get buffed (training time, ranged attack, HP, etc.).
What do you think? I’m all ears
- Good idea
- Russia could use a Treaty buff, but not this
- No, Russia is fine in Treaty
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