Do you consider tse tse sabotage useless?

i thinks its a useless card, when is it worth it?
how long does the building is sabotaged?
How much does it reduce production?

I don’t think it’s completely useless, but I’m not sure if it’s worth spending the space for one Card.

It is useful over long games.

Not useful at all, it only lasts like 10 seconds.

its a sub optimal but fun card
maybe we dont need more mass ways to mess with opponents being centerpiece in a game? yeah, destroying the opponents ability to remass sounds like a great way to get people to rage quit. cause we all love doot doots making our cannons useless amirite? make my raxs stunned too! I’m being a bit sarcastic cause it really is a scenario in which its just not going to be fun for opponent if this becomes more viable.

So as is its fun, niche, and might win some big brain plays but generally sub optimal. and thats ok. its ok to have flavor cards that are for fun. not every single possible avenue needs to be 100% viable. its ok to have fun over optimized decks and strats at times.