Doble click on Vills

Doble click on Vills is useless and only works to lose a game.

I think we live better if it’ll remove.

What do you think ?


I often use double click to select all and command que the vils to go to Sheep after finishing houses. At the very beginning of the game.


I am agree!I think we live better if it’ll remove.


Just garrison them into the TC and click back to work

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I tried that and it didn’t work

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Did all of them go into one resource?

If it happens by accident it’s super bad and you can’t do nothing against that but manually retask your vills but at the same time it’s a very important feature and far from useless so it definitely shouldn’t be removed. Sometimes you precisely want to select all vils on your screen with one click and there is no (good) alternative to that. But I wouldn’t mind to introduce a setting for optionally disabling that for people who stronly dislike it (apparently there are a lot).


I would agree that a toggle option for the “double click select all” only working for everything but villagers would probably be best as appose to removing it outright. I use the double-click features all the time in the early game; but I definitely have fallen victim to accidentally double-clicking all my villagers during an enemy raid and sending them to the moon :stuck_out_tongue: .

I don’t know if this occurs enough to warrant the feature to be removed; but having an easier way to undo the mistake of double-clicking all and sending them away would be nice.

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I have proposed a way to remove the double click disaster whilst still allowing the 3 house builders to be shift clicked to sheep. But I’ve already proposed it in at least 2 other threads. I trust that if it was a good idea someone will mention it here :slight_smile:


Strongly agree! We need an option to toggle double clicking villagers.

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The alternative is to press Alt and draw a selection box around the complete screen. This is only one click as well and has the advantage that you also can decide to select all villagers in only one part of the screen.

I honestly can’t imagine a situation in which I might want to select every villager (at least not after the first 30 seconds), so I really wish they would disable this “feature” or at least make it toggleable…


Exactly. But I feel like this is quite cumbersome and takes more time than the double click.

All kind of forward positions like having vills around a castle gathering res or all situations when vills are spread out and you have military around. I use it quite often and find it an useful feature (as long as I intend to use and it doesn’t happen by accident^^).


This is good and usable feature at all but we can make it more accurate.

i have an idea about this feature (or problem) that SHIFT + double click, select only villagers of same job ( or maybe vice versa )