Dravidians nerfs and buffs ideas

As an Infantry civ, Dravidians are also pretty immobile. If you let them free boom into Wootz Steel, then you didn’t do anything in literally any other age than Imperial. Teutons can win Dravidians in Castle Age, your infantry is far stronger than theirs. Even early imp, I’d say you are much stronger. Wootz Steel is so expensive to get right away. Teutons should also have a better boom, so…


Ya that’s why I said the civ plays out similar to these civs except that those civs have much better eco bonuses. Still having that as an option helps clean up opponent skirms, get some counter raids etc which is not possible at all for Dravidians.

Dravidian infantry is not superior until you do an expensive UT in imp. In this type of game style, army momentum, hitting imp much before your opponent and trebbing down their buildings is important. And even after the UT, its still comparable to what Burmese, Japanese get for free against most generic units.