Elephant Archers Suggestions

Just going to copy paste to save myself the time…

plenty of civs have highly situational team bonuses.
Japanese Bonus is useless on land maps, Saracen Bonus has been a standing joke since…the beginning?, Spanish and Portuguese bonus is only useful in team games and Incans bonus is a standing pun.

11, not 10.

Elephant archers are a great team game unit, just like every other Elephant UU in the game. as for historical accuracy, this game has never put historical accuracy over gameplay or balance, and has numerous historical inaccuracies. (chinese missing gunpowder, goths having crappy cavalry, iron age units being used by franks and celts as unique units, long swordsman using a shield, Turks without siege engineers, Meso civs with steel, armor, crossbows, and wheels, throwing axeman throwing a double sided axe, mamelukes throwing scimitars, various campaign inaccuracies)

literally one of the strongest and weakest team bonuses i have ever heard of. map where you can fish? busted. map where you have no fish? useless.

all off the backs of one of the best economies in the game.

Imp Camels aren’t OP by any stretch of the imagination.

and is useless on any map without shore fish.

oh great, let’s just bust there elephants even more, because having pop efficient cost effective units with high dps definitely wouldn’t be an issue at all. I watched Viper beat Malian Pikes and 2H swordsman with Elephant archers as is, can’t imagine if you made them attack 33% faster on top of that.

that’s not even remotely close to a fair trade in the slightest.