End of Advanced Game Settings mod

i respect your decision, but i hope the devs find a solution for us all. because your work is awesome, we nearly play every match with ags-mod, because it has features, which the game doesn´t have at all. in my opinion, they shoudl reward you for this mod with money and include it into the game permanently.

i understand you totally, but i hope this won´t be the last words in this case.

thank you for the hours of fun in the game!

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############### post:1, topic:243119"]
Thus, I have decided to suspend the development and updating of all my mods indefinitely.

That’s unfortunate. Advanced Game Settings was definitely the best mod in the game. They really should incorporate many of the features it has into the default custom game lobby.

They should also give a lot more support to making modding more accessible.

If by “went crazy” you mean a mostly reasonable thread about how he didn’t do a very good job reviewing it, sure.

Very few people in that thread even took issue with his rating, it was with his clear bias in the way he talks about the game compared to how he talks about AoE2 and the clear lack of effort to understand what he was talking about compared to his AoE2 videos. Everyone has biases, a good reviewer is able to talk about things without them seeping in so much.

Very few people were “outraged” by the review. There is nothing wrong with pointing out it’s flaws.

No, I rather mean people calling him a hater, a simp for AoE 2 and whatnot and that was a good chunk of comments.

Some of Spirit’s takes were for sure weird (e.g. calling UUs reskins instead of replacements or the Ayyubid section) and it was rightfully called out but otherwise, Spirit was very positive about the DLC, even though he lacked the general game knowledge. I didn’t get this bias at all. Also, keep in mind, Spirit has apart from his overly mathematical and analytical videos a rather casual approach to the game(s).

Side note: Spirit talked about AoE 4 last year on Masmorra’s show and explained his reasons why he stopped covering AoE 4 as much as he used to do (@ 55:12):

The most upvoted comments (by far) are not doing that at all. You can always find a couple ######## in every group saying something stupid.

Yeah his takes were weird and inconsistent and lacking knowledge of what he was talking about, that is pretty much all most people were pointing out. It wasn’t a good review, it was poorly done. That doesn’t make him a bad person or dishonest or anything like that, he just didn’t do a good job. There is absolutely nothing wrong with pointing that out.

No one is above criticism. We can criticize SotL for doing a poor job on a review, we can criticize World’s Edge for not prioritizing the modding community in AoE4, we can criticize Relic for their very sloppy tooltips, etc…

It doesn’t matter if he likes the game or not.

When the thread first posted, there was a lot of hate. Age of noob even chimed in asking people to tone it down which thankfully it did and the hate comments got downvvoted.

When AoN posted, the two comments with the vast majority of the upvotes were as I explained above. The overall sentiment of the thread was never one of hate even if there were a few people lower in the thread in replies doing so.

This itself should be their job, but their dereliction of duty forces players to help them solve problems.

But they not only fail to fulfill their responsibilities, but also ignore the suggestions and communication from players and MOD producers, which is outrageous.

And this itself should be their job!

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These professional athletes come to play AOE only because it is profitable. If another game has greater benefits for them, they will not hesitate to give up on AOE. Their suggestions for improving the game are all to make them win the game, not to make it more fun. I really don’t understand why these people have the right to intervene in game creation.


I agree. Professional players don’t care about the game, they just want to make money.


Do you think it is 2 or 3 professionals who decide the balance of the game?

Do you know that there are professionals with different visions of balance and non-professional content creators who are looking for a more fun and balanced game?