Example of "micro" according to Relic

what did just i read?

If you do not know meaning of term - just google it.
The first link: Reddit - Dive into anything

macroS and macro is not even homonym…

PS macro most likely came from macroeconomic/Macromanagement etc, which study global processes.

no it’s not.

  1. google.
  • micro - how you move units.
  • tactics - what start did you chose: ram push/fast castle/boom/ “fast imp into ded”.
  • strategy/macro - what global decisions did you make in game.
    control limited resources, mapcontrol, defensive castle or offensive and why.

target priority, it’s just gamedesign.

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Ehm in my last post I had the generosity to put a link to wikipedia so any reader can understand. Wikipedia says “macro” not “macroS”.
macro (short for "macro instruction)
there is also macro economics. I dont see the point of your post.

so going back to the topic, this is a 2022 RTS game I expect the castle to do something useful, like switching to attack archers when I do the same action for the third time. But, instead, the castle keeps shooting in the most inefficient way again and again and again…


google what is homonym.

You’re actively proving my overall point about the buzzword nature of Macro/Micro, not disproving it. I’ve already claimed that my explanation is not definitively correct or incorrect, nor is yours, nor is Gamestonks. All are equally possible versions. As far as your quote, the keyword “IF” is particularly important. As it acknowledges that there are many simultaneous, different and equally valid versions of that concept which can be applied.

The underlying issue here is not what I’ve or Stonks has written, it’s that it clashes with your perception of a hard answer, which doesn’t exist on this subject. Instead of shifting your understanding that things rarely have absolute answers, you’ve asserted that your equally possible and valid version is the only version and the rest are wrong.

You’ve essentially modeled religion in a nutshell.

I hope attack target priorities are all optimize to make the most combat sense. Unless the attacker is a anti siege, its target selection should ALWAYS choose firing at enemy siege 2nd to LAST!!

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If we want to talk about semantics we can…

Macro vs Micro, examples of words that use these prefixes:


Literally any nouns

“The prefix macro comes from Greek makros ‘long, large’ and is usually added to indicate the largeness of something or in the technical context.”

“The Root Word Micro comes from Greek mikros ‘small’.
‘Microbe’ is derived from the root ‘micro ‘ which means very small, short, minute. Microbe means a very small creature that brings diseases and cannot be seen with the eyes. So, whenever you come across a word which is made up of the Micro Root Word, you should be able to understand that its meaning would definitely be related to being small”

So despite these prefixes having origins and proper uses in the English language, they have been used as standalone buzzwords in esports to describe certain aspects if gameplay, just as @Valentine1183 has said.

The issue here again, is not that Relic has implemented something poorly.

-It is that some people have issue with the gameplay:

-Whether it be a legit bug
Simply having a displeasure with certain gameplay mechanics

-Or what I am inclined to believe a majority of the complaints are, having read through many of them. Low - Mid skill level players complaining because RTS’ are ****ing and they keep losing to better/lucky players who face-mash they keyboards better.

Are there some legit issues? Yes 100%, but the biggest epsorts in the world also have bugs/issues, and AoE4 is designed as an esport, like it or not. I LOVE Esports, so this is right up my alley. Others aren’t and that’s okay, but this simply isn’t the long-term game for them, or at least not yet. Play the campaign, some Vs AI and move on.

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the OP is correct, it’s just simple game design. I am sure they can work all of these things out but then they will have to actually do some thinking. If computers can learn how to play DOTA2, we can figure out how to balance this game. The difference is dedication, let me explain.

Computer learned DOTA 2 by playing the game millions of times. By learning and experimenting. Dedication by design.
Devs can’t even be bothered to do proper testing before release: they release with blatant bugs.
Comes down to willingness of the Higher ups paying for the time required to do the things.

They want to make money off of the title thru esports and the advertising money that’s involved but not willing to spend the money to release a balanced game.

We can all complain but unless someone higher up spends the money and the time the game will not be balanced.

I still love it, Delhi all the way! Too bad I lose if I don’t finish game in 20 minutes. opponent went IMP… surrender right away what a concept go into Imp and wait 10 minutes again to actually go into imp

I never build castles for some reason. I never really go after stone unless I need to turtle

Macro in RTS is just a shortcut to say macromanagement (vs micromanagement).

As the word is long, and everyone knows that it refers to, it is said macro/micro.

Of course, it is also used in other fields, to say different things. Like in your example, it is used as a shortcut for macro instruction.

But don’t be confused, macro is just a greek root, that means large, and micro is the opposite, they are used in thousands of words.

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For the battle part I would like more micro. Special capabilities for at least the unique units. Like for the English Longbowmen. Besides there should be hero units for each civs. Like Dschingis Khan. The special capabilities should of course be relevant for the outcome of the battle.

For the economy part I don’t want more micro. Things like moving buildings with the Mongols is very cool. But economy monk micro management like with HRE and Delhi is not fun at all and a reason for me that I don’t play them much.

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I personally don’t care about how certain buzzwords are used… but I can agree that certain design decisions (or results of bugs or time not spent on details) give the feeling that you are (at least partly) fighting against the game and not your opponent.
There are certain aspects, where no decent player would make the same decision as the built-in behaviour is making. Keep/TC/Tower auto targeting is one of them, with the issue that these are quite hard to “micro” in my opinion.
The springalds, bombards, culverins you need to constantly babysit are another example. Units can be super easily aggroed to run towards enemy - is annoying to loose games, while you lack APM to override all the dumb default behaviour - I prefer to loose against tower/ram rush :smiley:


I think you captured the spirit of the issue perfectly. It feels like it’s player vs game more than player vs player. Strangely often.