Failed updating mod Error: Missing required fields

Just encountered the Missing required fields error while making a video on how to upload and update a new mod.
Maybe @DodoNotDoDo could take a look? I didn’t do anything unusual other than not including an image.

Also encountered two other issues:
-Clicking subscribe wasn’t actually subscribing
-File count is inaccurate

Until they fix the bug in game you’ll have to select an image, even if it’s the same image, when updating.

For the subscribe issue, I’m guessing it either couldn’t connect or your auth had expired and once the game refreshed your token it was able to connect.

I’ll report the file count inaccuracy. I’m seeing that too.

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Alright, I will test if it can be fixed with (re)selecting an image.

So, now I get “No Download URL available”
Might be related to the auth issue that I’m having today. I’ll try a few more times.
EDIT: worked on the 3rd try

As an aside, do you think it would be possible to allow JPG files as well as PNGs? Currently the game requires a PNG but ends up turning it into a JPG anyway.

I’ll check on the image thing, I’ve wondered about that too.

I also was testing on the file count problem. After doing an initial publish, then going back to the update mod screen it showed the correct count. But then if I added a file it didn’t update the count until I click the import local mods button. So that might be an extra step necessary. It still doesn’t show on the mod listing though so I’ll still report that as a bug.


It’s failing for me too. I tried the suggested workaround, but when I selected the thumbnail, edited the changelog and hit “update mod”, the error was “Thumbnail is missing” and the thumbnail was gone from the folder. I tried again, but just clicked “Change Image” without selecting a new one, edited the changelog and the update was successfull.