Fallen Knights return 50% of their gold cost

U can sling making u very powerfull( in a pro tournament)

Depends whether their bonus affects coinage and banking. If it’s the case then yes, it’s a huge middle finger to FE’s own slinging nerf and team game players will hate them. Otherwise they will still be worse Cuman.

Imagine being able to produce double the knights as anyone else with their starting gold. And if gold still runs out, just sell some of your food and get gold for it. Because Feitorias werent broken enough. 20k food into 10k gold into 285 knights.

Noone can tell me that these civs werent actually designed to be SP only, but hey devs broke their word and feel like to increase sales of a overpriced products it better to make it MP so all people playing ladder need to buy it.

Portuguese have 20% discount on gold for everything for their knights and this is for me is sick enough. Burgandians with their 50% back gold from a fallen knight is really broken but ofcourse they will pay the original gold cost which is 75gold, i think if the fallen knights get back 35% from the gold cost will be acceptable

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Portuguese still never go for Knights. I guess a Gold discount on a mostly Food heavy unit, is just not that great.

It is not like it is Trash Knights.

You need to lose your units first before you profit from the bonus. I don’t know if it is too powerful (like Madrasah it’s kinda meh)


its only 1 unit line.
its a refund not a discount, huge difference.
it only comes into effect when you actually lose units.

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Yeah but still strong you don’t even care if your knights get killed or send them to fight under TCs and kill vills here and there since you will get back 50% gold which is like get back 38 gold

Then you lose 50% of all Gold you spent on them, which makes you lose slower, but lose all the same.
Burgundians are going to be a worse version of Franks, mark my words, specially after getting balance patched.


and other civs save resources or get bonuses to their units. they get a discount. furthermore for all we know they could be lacking an armor upgrade, which means they will INSTANTLY be worse then most knights.


Sure, getting hard card in feudal or wheel in dark age probably doesn’t make sense. We’ll obviously have to see how it’s gonna play out but I can image getting getting the first wave of upgrades on the way to feudal and upon arriving getting bow saw (not so sure about heavy plow) into slightly delayed scouts might give you a very strong eco while still allowing for some military presence (so no need for intensive turtling) that lays the foundation for a lot of knights in early castle age. Could turn out not to be worthwhile but together with the get gold back bonus sounds pretty strong to me.

I’m with you in the regard that people overestimate this bonus in Castle Age. But for Imperial Age if they actually have Paladin with all relevant upgrades (mainly meaning the last armor upgrade), it will be incredibly broken for sure. That’s why I hope they realize this needs some kind of drawback - especially because we’ve seen in the past that the devs take their time to make balance changes, even if a unit is demolishing just everything like Steppe Lancers were. If they were faster with adjusting I’d be more willing to experiment with something being extremely strong and probably gamebreakingly strong.

Strongly depends on the rest of their tech tree. If all their other options are terrible, you can go always go halbs or camels against them, and I doubt that getting 50% gold back is going to carry you through this. On the other hand, if they have decent halbs and skirmishers, they can counter anti-knight units, and then yes, FU paladins with such a huge refund are OP.

my guess is it doesn’t go live as is, or Burgundians have a really crappy tech tree.


For me the bonus is OK, but well wait and see how this plays out, maybe there’s a upcoming beta for the expansion?

i hope they can change this bonus to be the castle age UT just like the saracen one.
This would fix 2 problems:

  1. Fits better into the current game since it is familiar, which is a big problem of the new civs in my opinion.
  2. helps alleviate concers of this being OP even thought anyway this effect woulb only be too strong in imperal age with good upgrade on calaviers or paladins (if lack bloodlines then might be OK, laking bloodlines would be nice since franks lack it too and there is no civ wih paladins that just lacks bloodlines minus franks)
  3. gets rid of those aoe3 like one time card technologies.

Than the devs can give them another bonus instead to make up for the change. for example 1/2/3 free colonial revolutionary per barracks constructed starting i feudal age, similiar to the tartar bonus now. This is also more “sustainable” as you can get more of these special units instead of just one time from the UT only and then never again, which is a feature of aoe3 I dislike the most.

But i guess devs are quite bussy. no chance in hell they are actually reading here looing for ideas for their game instead of brainstorming themself. stats the fun part afterall and since they want cards for aoe2, it will be so.