Favorite Civilization Region Poll

Please select your favorite game region/s (max 2.).
Then, list your reasons for your selection*.
These reasons can be game and non-game related.

Favorite Region
  • Africa (Ethiopians, Malians, etc.)
  • Asia Minor (Persians, Turks, Byzantines)
  • Arabia (Saracens)
  • Americas (Aztec, Inca, Maya)
  • West Asia (India, Huns, Cumans, etc.)
  • East Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Mongols, etc.)
  • North Europe (Vikings)
  • West Europe (Britons, Teutons, Franks etc.)
  • East Europe (Magyars, Bohemians, Lithuanians etc.)

0 voters

*Please note, this thread is not about arguing over ‘representations’ and all that stuff, but simply what you like and why you like it. Any post that contains this sort of complaining will be reported for spam or off-topic, thanks for understanding!