[Feature]Byzantine triumph button moving to any calvary units

Now to activate triumph, u need to press building->tab->tab and press activate. Why not activate it like drinking water, just press one button is enough. I always forget to have such ability.

I think its because the intention is that the ability should NOT work individually on units, but only on all your units at once.

You can add your hypodrome to control group, i usually do that.

This is exactly what I do with Griot Bara’s Landmark Mali. Activating his rituals is now more comfortable and the +50% fire bonus is easier to use in the middle of combat.

Of course, managing the Byzantines can be more complex: considering that you also have to manage the aqueduct bonus, which has up to 4 options if you chose the Cystern Landmark, including the GLUp GLUP ability.

Adding a button to the UI could do the trick, this could apply for every Landmark with global abilities. Around the area where you find the counters for Imperial Officials, Prelates and Shinobi.