For people who missing rewards/unable to edit profile and to the dev

Since the developer doesn’t seem to care about this issue, which dates back to the beginning of last year when it was first discovered, I would like to gather information from others who are experiencing the same problem. Please provide the following information so we can try to identify the common circumstances causing this issue:

  1. Date/season when the bug occurred:
  2. In-game level when the bug occurred:
  3. Platform:
  4. Other relevant details:

In my case:

  1. Mid-season 8
  2. Around level 1200
  3. Steam
  4. It used to be some sort of resetting of my profile at the start of every major patch. It no longer happens since this bug began.

Lastly to the developers: You might think this bug is not a priority because it doesn’t affect gameplay, but it actually takes a significant toll on the growing minority of players affected by this bug. Acknowledgement without end in sight of this bug is the wrong answer when we contact support for help for this long with no fault of our own. We need a resolution, specifically when this bug will be fixed and whether we will be compensated.