Please, let us have both open and CLOSED forests!
Open means you can walk through it, closed like impassable (like AoE2) where we need to chop down all trees to get to the other side 
EDIT: And allow conquest game mode where you’ll stay alive as long as you have 1 unit, and you must destroy all opponents units to win. Its better to give players free choice of game modes instead of forcing everyone to play one standard mode.
Then I hope the cavalry has two modes of charging and stamping
I think as long as they make the game fun by allowing different choices for each type of player (causal and pro etc), the game will be a success! This includes game modes, map editor, type of forests / terrain (closed/open) and much much more. Give the player lot of choices and freedom.
So I really hope they won’t lock the players too much forcing them to play a few game modes etc. If they don’t have a type of closed/impassable forest, then they should add one at least, or we could wait for a mod. And they should have a decent map editor, I really look forward to creating custom maps, so I hope they will take their time to make a good editor. And btw I’m a casual player, not a competitive pro player.
A fun idea would be the forest cutting your enemies line of sight.
Let’s say a scout can see you from 6 tiles away, if you were in the forest he would only see you from 3 tiles away… maybe?
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Yes and the trees lack detail in leaf texture, shadow, denity
Overall the trees look like they used 2001 technology
I really hope to see them rework the trees as they are the very fundamental aspect of the game
I will be very sad with all open forests