Give orthodox monastery to these civs. Also it fits their defensive playstyle.
Give them a monastery that costs 25 more wood than other civilizations, has more HP and some melee armor and more pierce armor than a castle? It seems like a pointless change, not necessarily even a buff.
(I made a joke about Fortified Churches being useless, but I was confused about which benefits were civ-specific: being able to garrison certain units is a base property of the building.)
(Now I see you can un-delete a post, but deleting a post doesn’t hide it, so I’ve double-posted no matter what)
Byzantine sure, but Bulgarian? nah
Byzantine for sure, Bulgarians already have Kreposts… although tbf I think both are below average in MP now?
Just give them all a new set (Byzantines, Bulgarians, Armenians and Georgians)
No, please, at least no for byzantines
The defense oriented, regional, Fortified Church must be certainly given to the defensive civ of the Byzantines too. They had castle-monasteries everywhere, and they existed in the same region.
The unique monastery of the Caucasian civs is enough. I think we just need a special monastery for byzantine.
How the eastern Europe monastery would fit the Byzantines btw?
The famous byzantine churchs would be left without representation. Regular churches fit byzantines better than fortified churches.