Future DLCs and the argument for/against NEW Civs

By a similar simplification we can say the Franks are wholly sufficient to represent western civs because of its Germanic origins… And Britons, Teutons, Vikings can be removed, 3 slots are now free.

Saying Polish are represented by Slavs is utterly wrong. The globe does not run around western Europe…


franks has their own history as being a indipendent land later but well just because they were included in the holy roman empire for a bit doesnt justify removing them same goes for britons as they has their history with france with vikings and with alot of revolt i think that justifys them aswell when it comes to vikings i would be sceptical as for the nuance of vikings in other contrys like swedish denmark finnland etc

like i said before i think denmark could be a canidate for a civ perhaps

I think you did not catch my point. Pls read it again, it was a reaction.

And if I continue in that reasoning and follow your point, than devs cannot be done with middle and eastern Europe because an introduction of Slavs does not reflect the whole fragmented part of this continent. Otherwise I do not see reason not to free 3 slots mentioned above except for marketing purposes :wink:

Going to take a look at these points further with current civis to see if these are valid check boxes to select civis.

If new civs are to be added into AoE2, I strongly believe that certain requirements must be met:

  1. The Civ needs to fit well into the medieval-theme that AoE2 permeates. Game has huns from the roman era and Portuguese who would fit Aoe 3.
  2. The Civ needs to have an adequate and historically real architecture style Huns Cumans were nomadic people and had no real architecture even wonders are made up fantasy buildings.
  3. The Civ must have a reasonably balanced tech tree and military unit composition that makes historical sense. why do the meso civis have ships then?why do land locked countries have ships eg huns cumans tatars.
  4. The Civ must be unique enough from all the other civs linguistically to warrent their own civ creation majority of the civis use latin in some form so does this really matter? we have multiple ingame civis with the same voicesets and not all indians speak the ingame language.If language was a real deal there would be a ton of indian civis.
  5. The Civ must have an “empire-like” history period Celts and Mayans did not have an empire like structure during the game period.were the cumans even unified under one leader?

There is the tonga empire which ticks most of your check boxes.

Im just curious why are you biased in adding Mississippian when you consider others as too primitive for AOE2?Is Mississippian even a real term used to describe the native people?

In game Bulgarians are a mix of bulger overloads and slavic subjects(why its called Bulgarians and not bulgars) so poland is very much a possibility.only draw back I see is that the winged hussar uu is already taken.


ok to be fair its like 55% set to reality huns,cumans and tatars might be normadic but they also adopted alot of things from other countrys for example the hun invasion they took alot of knowglede with them

I Think as i spoke before of the 55% gap of reality thats why meso civs have acess to ships because it it would be set 100% to reality the civ would simply not appeal with so much missing

Its not 55% realism its just for balance.You cant have civis without a dock or siege units unless you have other units to play the same role,then it would be like aoe3 not aoe2.

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yes but obviously the huns the cumans the tatars aswell as all of the meso civs fall into the category were that might not been viable but added to the game because otherwise the civ wouldt make sense

Except this being a MEDIEVAL game, and the Middle Ages being a mostly Western and Southern European phenomenon, so Western civs are MUCH more important than Eastern civs, in this context.


Like it or not, the Middle Ages are a WESTERN period. Eastern Europe stayed behind for a much longer time, with Serfdom only being abolished in Russia in the 20th century.

Franks, Britons, Holy Roman Empire, Lombards… All crucial for any Medieval game, while Poland actually is not, since their heyday was post-Medieval, when they defeated the Ottomans, so AoE3 territory.

Nope. Portuguese started the Age of Discovery when everyone else was still in the Middle Ages. They are Medieval, and so is the Caravel.

After the devs introduced a campaign with Hernán Cortez, Portuguese became indispensible, since they actually started the outward expansion of Europe, long before Castille had even finished the Reconquista.

Ports are actually one of the most Medieval civs in the game, even though they are Gunpowder focused.
Far more Medieval than Spanish Conquistadores, which are a New World/Early Colonial phenomenon.

Mississipi is actually a native american name, yes.


A name yes but does it describe people or a culture? Its like saying new york culture for the people living in new york is my understanding.


It’s the name of the culture based on the exonym of the Mississippi river. More appropriate on that regard would be either Choctaw who are the descendants of the Mound builders or Caddo.


It is actually called New Yorker culture, for sure.

A lot of cultures are called by the place they inhabit (Spanish) rather than the actual ethnic group. And then there are cultures that change the name of the place they inhabit to their own (Nippon).

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Spanish is not an ethnicity?

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Dont get me wrong, I absolutely agree with you, that is why I am not a big fan of other expansions into Asia and Africa.

Yes, but you are applying western logic :smiley: I did not even mean to speak about Russia :smiley: There is nothing like western Europe, nothing and eastern Europe with Russia. There is middle Europe containing many states which are overlooked by Westerners and somewhat hidden from main interest.

Since I am from Bohemia, I am going to speak about Bohemia and not Poland. Bohemia was heavily influenced by the west, half slavic, half gemanic, very important in internal politics of HRE, reaching its power in 13th and 14th century (middle ages :)) Here we have many (not only) gothic styled churches, cathedrals, bridges, etc. Yet, Bohemians cannot be smashed away by saying "they are represented by Slavs in game). Simply, they are not. Nor they are Teutons (but definitely they are closer to Teutons than Slavs ingame.

And finally, Hussites. The first successful protestant movement with an official state religion. If there wasnt any Hussite wars with so many unsuccesful crusades who knows what Sigismund could have achieved elsewhere? :slight_smile: And first (I guess so) large scale usage of small gun powder weapons. So not everything in middle ages was in the West :slight_smile:

Once again: my point is not to remove britons, teutons etc. it was just a reaction to a false reasoning with slavs mentioned above.


No, it is a cultural group. The ethnicity is Celt, Visigoth, Moor (minority) or Celtiberian.
There are also still Roman, Carthaginian and Greek descendant Spanish, but Spanish is not an ethnic group.

Go to Spain and you will see dark curly-haired, caramel-skinned people and pale white, straight blond-haired, blue-eyed people; in the same family.

I am Portuguese by culture, but my 23&Me results say I am a Goth Germanian by ethnic group.

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wait so germans would be goth germanic aswell or ?

Hussite and the war wagons are a must.

No, Goth is one of the Germanian groups, you have others like Teutons, Juttes, Franks, Saxons, and so on.

Goths were a germanic tribal people that escaped from Eastern Europe to flee the Huns, got enslaved by the Romans, helped the Romans beat the Huns in exchange for land, got enslaved again, destroyed Rome, and settled Iberia, Italy and Northern Africa (before the arrival of the Arabs), got enslaved by the Moors and beat the Moors back after 700 years.

Started off as Sheperds, Carpenters, Farmers and Metalworkers running from burned farmland, ended up being slaves 3 times (twice to the Romans, once to the Moors) and then retook most of Southern Europe back and consolidated in modern nations.

Goths are just one tribal group of the Germanians.


Serfdom was abolished in the Russian empire in the 1860s. The exact same decade the US abolished slavery after the Civil War, in fact. Though you can argue that post-revolution when the peasants were denied passports until the 1950 consisted a “re-introduction” of serfdom, but that’s neither here nor there, because the USSR experiment was… special.

Austria-Hungary only got rid of the “labour duty” in 1848

“Middle Ages” is a concept of Eurocentric history, sure; but for the bulk of the period, most of Europe was a backwater compared to the actual empires of Asia and Africa- both in terms of population, territory, and economic output. So, yes, we should have more non-European civs at this point. As much as I’d love to see an official Hussite Wars campaign, I think a Tamil/Chola faction for South India, and at least one civ for the Eastern seaboard of Africa (Swahili or Somali) should take priority over any European civs.

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Not at all, specially when it came to military, mettallurgy and engineering. During the Middle Ages, Europe may have started the period on the backfoot, but caught up very quickly, and overcame all competition.

Most of the “Dark Ages” stuff you hear about are not even true (France was the hub of the world’s Soap Maker’s Guild, the first university in History was in Bologne 1088, several military technologies were lifted by the Moors from Europe before they showed up in the East, like Vambraces, pre-Moor literacy was rapidly increasing, the Byzantine Empire was the most enlightened nation for most of the period).

It is a political term used by Renaissance architects and politicians, because they were so infatuated with Ancient Rome that they could not see the forest for the trees.

The idea that Europe was a “backwater” is false, if it was a backwater, it would have been assimilated by Islam, or the Mongols, and both tried and failed.

It had severe instability issues, that caused the continent to remain fragmented and poorly organized, but also significantly boosted technological innovation.


Are you considering Byzantine Empire part of the “west” now? If so, I’m curious how you’re drawing the West/East Europe divide, :slight_smile:

Islam (Arabs) failed to conquer Europe because of Charles Martell, obviously. Shortly after that, the Caliphate began to fracture, and the Abassid revolution happened.
Similar issue with the Mongols- the succession issues meant the 2 major invasions were both halted as the khans had to go all the way back to Mongolia to pledge loyalty to the next great khan. It’s why the empire fractured within several generations.
I am not saying that Europe was devoid of innovation; but up until the Crusades, Western Europe in particular had very little input on the global economy; and the Indian Ocean trade dwarfed most of its output put together- not counting the Silk road. It was the Age of Discovery and the Portuguese disruption of this Indian Ocean trade that started to shift the balance- along with industrialization of the British isles and the Low Counties.

All i’m saying is, it was a gradual process, and looking at the comparative scale, Europe is more than well-represented in the current civ roster, imho.

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