Give Steppe Lancers to Steppe Civs (Magyar/Hun)

For Byzantines,I’d rather lose both Camel line & Paladin upgrade, then replace them with Steppe Lancer line & benefited from the civ 25% discount bonus. My reasoning for this:

  1. I feel that Camels on Byz is just plain weird, Romans never used them effectively in the field of battle.
  2. Paladins on Byz is just a waste imo, they’re perhaps one of the if not the weakest among the Paladin civs
  3. Steppe Lancer in Byz not only historically accurate (they often fielded Turkic tribes mercenary) but also complimented their role as a defensive civ since they can be trained in short period of time.

That is a big change to byz defensive civ identity without discounted camels.

Byz paladin is still better than FU cavalier. It is definitely an option even tho not the best one. Vs archers, they are still good.

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Celtic Paladins miss Bloodlines and Plate Barding Armour.
That makes them a lot more vulnerable against Archers.
But they are still stronger against Melee units then fully upgraded Cavaliers.
+2 attack and +20 HP (+40 -20 for missing Bloodlines) is worth the -1 Melee armour trade off.

It is kinda weird that they effectively have one of the best Camels in the game (in price performance) but it’s part of their core identity for over 20 years now.
They shouldn’t make such a fundamental change after such a long time.
If you want Byzantines (and many others) the be more historical with more interesting and unique mechanics you have to play AoE4.

Paladin = +40 HP, +2 attack and +0/1 armour.
Byzantines only miss Bloodlines and Blast Furnace so they get:
+20 HP and +0/1 more than a fully upgraded Cavalier.

I agree that they wouldn’t be out of place but would the fit into the play style?

If they used Turkic tribes as soldiers then the actual Turk civilisation should get this unit first.

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The Byzantines are not a weak Paladin civilization, arguably they are a very strong one, they just are not as straightforward of one as say the Teutons. The Byzantines are a tech tree oriented civilization backed by cheap counter units. If you know how to play into their strengths, the Paladin is an asset amongst many.

The question that is arising again is if they should get Bloodlines considering that the Saracens and the Persians have received some finetuning. I personally tend to favor making counter unit upgrades cheaper and research faster. Adding Steppe Lancer itself would likely require no changes but would be offensive oriented.