Directing to some past suggestions of giving him a niche:
Making the Steppe lancer a raiding unit:
In line with this I came up with some new ideas.
So what I’ve heard people say so far is to give the SL a role either as:
Anti Archer
Full Raiding
Anti infantery, as i.e. Tartars don’t get good champions
Anti Camel, to get a Rock paper scissor cavalry triangle with Camel counter knights, knights counter SL, SL counters Camels.
I already made suggestions for the first 2 (+1 pierce armor on elite upgrade, and lower cost, bonus damage against palisades, houses).
So I try to integrate the lat…
Making the Steppe lancer anti archer cav (not a big fan anymore of that idea, since melee pathfinding has vastly improved since then and made knights pretty balanced against archers):
Yes, they will die quicker from crossbows, however right now tartar steppe lancers aren’t even doing terrible against chocked up cross bows when compared to cavaliers. They were quite comparable actually, though my tests were not perfect and I might be wrong about that.
So what you want to do is to give them even more pierce armor, reducing the upgrade cost, give it bonus damage against villagers AND decrease the overall cost? I think with those stats it would become way too strong again. Maybe…
Making the Steppe lancer a rewarding micro intensive unit:
In line with this I came up with some new ideas.
So what I’ve heard people say so far is to give the SL a role either as:
Anti Archer
Full Raiding
Anti infantery, as i.e. Tartars don’t get good champions
Anti Camel, to get a Rock paper scissor cavalry triangle with Camel counter knights, knights counter SL, SL counters Camels.
I already made suggestions for the first 2 (+1 pierce armor on elite upgrade, and lower cost, bonus damage against palisades, houses).
So I try to integrate the lat…
But since most of them are massive reworks I kind of like this your idea of making them the fastest unit ingame.