Greek Tree

What Greek tree would you go for a newer play to AOM but not AOE. What gods should I follow and what would you suggest is a good plan of attack?

Since no one responded yet, i will try. (But please keep in mind i don’t really play Ranked)

  • Gods:
  • Zeus - Strong infantry. Hoplites good vs buildings still. Can go Centaurs and Hydra (which are both strong atm) + Hera GP which is (finally unlike old AoM imo) really strong too. Zeus is very flexible.
  • Poseidon - Strong cav. Cheaper stables. Also can go Centaurs and Hydra. Can go really aggressive.
  • Hades - Strong archers. Can go quite defensive. Tanky myth units. Both him and Poseidon can go Ares-Rush with buffed Cyclops.

Some Minor Gods:
Ares - buffed. Good across the board.
Hermes - Very strong atm. Good for harass and GP always useful.
Athena - weakest atm but still useful. Minotaurs got nerfed a bit.

Possible build order:
Archaic Age - 5 Villagers on Food, 3 on Gold, 2 on Wood - Finish Temple around min 4 at best.

You can try to very early harass with first free myth unit + archaic and classical age hero.

Use villagers for praying to get favour as flexibel units. Which means if you need favour put them on temple, if not put them of the resource you currently need.

Hope this helped a bit. Other suggetions/constructive criticism welcome.