Greetings from Greece mission still bugged

  • Game Version: Update 17.64528

  • Build Number: 17139432

  • Platform: Steam

  • Operating System: Windows 10

Issue: I have been checking the Campaign AI and from the missions I’ve picked the AI seems to be working again with attacking and not being passive but Greetings from Greece is still bugged like it was back in November. Player 7 being idle and not moving their units to attack the player just seems to bug the whole mission.

Hi @MegaMaster1021, thank you for the report :slight_smile:

To help us investigate this bug further, could you please send us some files?

Save game before the issue happened, you can find it here:
C:\Users\your_user_name\Games\Age of Mythology Retold\your_user number\savegames

Also can you send us the recorded game(replay) where this issue is present? You can find it here:

C:\Users\your_user_name\Games\Age of Mythology Retold\your_user number\replays

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

sadly I don’t have an old save file or replay of when I played the mission back in August through September and I used the editor to get this screenshot