HELP! - Aoe not starting after Dawn Of The Dukes update

I updated the game yesterday and played for like 2 hours straight. Then i tried to play again later and the game simply wont start at all.

When i open the game it just wont start, it only reaches the black screen ( I have the NO INTRO mod installed ) and then it just crashes, with no error message, no warning, anything, just crashes.

I already tried uninstalling the DLC and it wont work at all.

Help please! Thank you

Hi ! im having the same problem! I tried reinstalling Steam, and AOE II DE, but the problem persist.

The game crash , just when its runing the presentation. I cant even see the main menu of the game.

I do not have steam, but had been having similar issues yesterday. I uninstalled, and reinstalled the program, and it ran more smoothly than it ever had before. It is what we fogies did in the olden days when programs had issues like these. It was a time consuming process, but one well worth it for the improvement I saw when running it.

disable your anti virus and it will work fine

Nope, the problem is not solved, even when disabling anti-virus. It started for me when I updated the game because the new campaigns were not available (I was on 50292) . Had to go to the microsoft store and click on the basic game AOE2:DE, then the download for the updates started. After the Installation, I could not start the game anymore. SplashScreen and that is all.

Tried that aswell, turning off antivirus and even adding the whole Aoe2DE folder to the exceptions, but it didnt work.

Tried Re-installing the game with both DLCs, didnt work either.

I think I found the problem. Looked into the microsoft store and saw, that lords of the west was not on 51373, after clicking on it, i could update it. Fixed it for me.

Edit: Enhanced Graphics is still on 50292 however.

Im launching the game from Steam… and it’s supposed to be Updated, dont know how to manually check it though…

Hi everybody, i found some kind of “fix”. I changed the display language on my Windows settings to English and the game launched OK.

Hope it helps!