Help - offline play? airplan?

trying to play “offline” (not on the network) whilst flying and this doesnt work?
this is ridiculous?!
why cant i play a game offline? anyone know how to make this work?

You just need online connection to start the game, then you can go offline, the game will still work, just don’t exit it.

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thanks - but this is stupid?
ive purchased the game, i cant just leave it open indefinitely ?
what if it crashes?
what if i forgot to open before i go offline?

is there a complain email/team?

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There is the ‘Feedback Hub’ app on Windows 10, or but they don’t seem to answer on it.

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Yes it is definitely stupid and a non sens. Microsoft is the only one to do that. Steam, origin, uplay, battlenet (if the game has a solo mode) allow to play without connection…

so if i purchased this on steam - it would work? maybe i should do that

The game is not available on steam, it’s a microsoft store exclusive game.


On they say we can do offline with this link : But I didn’t try it.