Help! The Saracens have lost their identity and some other stuff

Btw, in a color note, there’s a town in Italy called “saracen market”

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Camels used to have the ship and camel armor class until The African Kingdoms, so they took more total bonus damage from the spear line before the Rise of the Rajas changes. Having the ship armor class also meant camels took bonus damage from towers, town centers, and castles. But now they don’t, making them far better offensive units than they used to be.

Other than that, I also think Saracens have lost their camel identity. I think replacing Madrasah with another camel tech would fix this. Maybe a +bonus damage or +armor class tech for camels and Mamelukes?


Drastically redesigning the identity of a civilization is generally not done, otherwise there’s plenty of other civilizations and UUs which would need a rework. Indians may be poorly designed but they’re certainly strong.
“Camel rushing” is a flawed tactic in and of itself, it’d be like pikeman rushing which just doesn’t happen (the siege is the important part in pike/siege). Chinese not having 2 techs is balance etc. etc. otherwise they’d be the most broken civilization in the game and have a completely filled out tech tree.

You are wrong. It was just one class “the Camel and ship class”. That didn’t mean they took double dmg, but that they had 1 shared class. It was purely a cosmetic/simplicity change in AK.

You are correct in saying that it buffed camels by making them take less damage from towers.

But you saying that camels took more dmg from spearline before African Kingdoms/Rajas? Nope that’s just plain wrong.

My initial take was to do what Sandy Petersen was said. Indians in AOE2 are a mix of like 8 civs.

But historical accuracy isn’t always that important