Help with my campaign missioon mod

Sorry for the previous post I deleted it by error.

What I was saying is you can actually make your mod a one click install that will put the map inside the scenario folder by itself and be able to play music. And also having localization if you want to.

I actually played a bit in the editor doing it.

Use the following Folder Structure :

                    --stringmods.txt (see below for the content)
                --<OtherLanguage> (exemple : French)
                    --stringmods.txt (see below for the content)
                -- ...

For the localization there is actually multiple advantages using this method.

  1. You can use character that the editors doesn’t support (like é,è,à,ù, …)
  2. You can have your scenario in multiple language that will change depending on the user’s language (Based if the language have been added to your mod)

Inside “stringmods.txt” You will actually define every text used in the mod and an ID for each of them

Language = "English"
IsRtl = "False"

ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_01"   ;   Str = "It's strange... where are all the bodies of the people who came to the mine for gold?"
ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_02"   ;   Str = "Run! The dead are walking!"
ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_03"   ;   Str = "Odin has granted us the power of lightning thanks to the destruction of Loki monument."
ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_04"   ;   Str = "Hello stranger, I see you want to earn some money around here. You can talk to Olaf at the barracks; he always has some problem."

For each other language you wish to add, just do the same with the Same Text ID like so (French)

Language = "French"
IsRtl = "False"

ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_01"   ;   Str = "C'est étrange... Où sont les corps des mineurs disparus ?"
ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_02"   ;   Str = "Fuyez! Les morts se lèvent!"
ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_03"   ;   Str = "Odin nous a offert le pouvoir Éclair pour nous récompenser d'avoir détruit le monument de Loki."
ID = "STR_BLACKHAMMER_01_CHAT_04"   ;   Str = "Salutations, il parait que tu as besoin d'argent? Adresses toi à Olaf près de la caserne; il a toujours des problèmes qui demandent à être résolu."

Then you just have to specify the ID in the editor where the text should be displayed.

Here are the files with this folder structure and strings : - Google Drive

You then just have to activate the mod and the map will be available when you start a custom scenario.