History Vs Gameplay and Beginner Tips for Future Civ Crafters

This was already discussed here:
Last time I tried to do that the topic was closed for necro. But the mod said he won’t do that anymore, I’m just allowed to post there.

The people who are tired of it are surprisingly pro-Africa civs. Nothing wrong with that, but I would never go to a topic I don’t like to try to cancel it because it’s pro-Africa civs and I’m pro-Europe civs, I have this thing called standards. In all my topics, there were people I would discuss with, as well as people who liked the original post, so again, there’s no shortage of people who want Europe/Vlachs.

I mean, check out the last post on that topic:
Do you think this person wants Vlachs in the game? I would say yes.

Do you think this person would make as much of a fuss about it as pro-Africa players do? No.

And if this post is anything to go by: 40% of people on the forum want the next DLC to be in Europe.

So I reject your premise that people don’t support my posts. People support my posts, it’s just that the pro-Africa civs players are more willing to take action about it, while pro-Europe players just want to discuss about it and have no interest in the drama/gatekeeping, myself included. I didn’t want to pick any fights with the pro-Africa players, they did.