Homing missile projectiles

the homing missile topic is more than just dodging arrows, imo the real issue isn’t that, but rather the lock on target behaviour that completely ignores what should’ve been max range of the projectile, thus eliminating dodging by not being in range, aoe2 like dodging imo isn’t as missed as arrows obeying the max range


AOE2 units still fire past their max range with ballistics, you can just dodge arrows by changing direction. You can still dodge mangonels in AOE4.

Like in a other post, i really do not like the homing missiles arrows. Also that there is not a highground. I only played campagin and it feels strange.


If you like realism so much, the arrows should also damage your allies :wink:

Sure, why not. I personaly wouldn mind. Mangoenel in Aoe2 also had FF, I appreciate that kind of Physics.

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ok, you implement it in aoe2 and then come back :wink: :wink:

Okay at this point i think you are just trolling and want to argue. First I never stated that I want it to be more realistic. I just stated that i find homing missiles arrows irritating. Even in Stronghold you have Arrows stuck in the ground and it feels good. Second why do you need to implement something in aoe2 to take it to aoe4. I just said there is FF in aoe2, yet not in the new game if you want to have it that badly, since you talk about it so much. I am not even playing aoe2 that much, so i dont care if they implement it.

People need to understand that AoE2 and AoE4 are two completely different games and have different design in the back bone, so some things like this will probably never come to this game and I am thankful for it.

I hate to micro manage everything on the battlefield and move around my units to “dodge” the arrows or w/e that’s boring to me. Good thing there are both games for people to enjoy.

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Homing missiles were one of the AMAZING choices of the devs/management in aoe4.
One good thing taken from aoe3, unfortunately most parts of aoe4 are a modified copy of aoe2.

If it was about realism:
Non-homing missiles would DEFINITELY kill your own soldiers because of inaccuracy and your units accidentally moving into them.
On the other hand, if you have an archer-mass and the enemy has a large group of units, aoe2 logics don’t make ANY sense. If the enemy moves, trying to dodge the arrows, DIFFERENT units should be hit, as they are now moving into the arrows and just the units OUTSIDE of the arrow rain should not take any dmg.
But this is not the case, in aoe2 you can ONE HUNDRED PERCENT dodge the arrows with your WHOLE ARMY which is a gigantic nonsense.
I’ve always found it to be very frustating to not being able to consistently snipe enemy archers with the COUNTER UNIT, skirmishers.
One of the reasons I found aoe2 very very frustrating in pvp.
Aoe3 was always my choice for pvp ranked and I can not understand until today what on earth would one motivate to play an rts where microing units feels like doing a heart surgery in boxing gloves.
No control on the units and not being able to punish enemy archers with cavalry, because they can always run away.

Homing missiles are the best choice.
They should have also imported the snare mechanics of aoe3 (just not snaring the whole formation, but just the units being hit) and also forcing ranged units into weak melee mode when attacking an enemy in melee range.
Unfortunately, the choice has turned out to be poor here by the devs/management.
Unlike in aoe3, ranged units always attack enemies in ranged mode.
This again does not make any sense and is very unrealistic.

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Can you explain why it is an AMZAING choice? I do not understand.

I never said that AoE4 should implement the exact same Arrows mechanics they did in AoE2. It is just that you guys want to read it like that. I even would look forward that stray arrows would hit other targets. Again I never said it is an realistic issue it just looks and feels weird. I would rather think it like that:

Bowman have a certain percentage on hitting units.
E.G.: Standing 90 %; moving slow units 80 % moving fast units 70%; Standing uphill +10% standing downhill -10 %. (Numbers are just random, ofc for balance etc. it takes alot more to think about, with tech upgrades etc.) Stray arrows hit tiles, units stand in tiles get the dmg from arrows.

On the ranged an closecombat, I agree with you. Even mangonels can fire like next to them in an high arch that just look ridiculous.

I think you ppl do missunderstand, i appreciate the game so far, and i dont want an aoe 2 redo. But this and the HG not giving anything bugs me.

Mhm~ maybe i will explain it like this:

I am 55 hours into the campaingn (not palying MP at all, maybe some time with friends) I like the changes with the unique techs etc. On top the fog of war thingy with the trees. Also the educational videos are realy great. But the more I play the campaign the more I feel rinse and repeat. I mass Bows, Mangonels and some trebs. I make some horses to lure the enemy in. I bait, the AI runs in and cannot escape even while retreating. It doesnt matter if I ham HG or they are. It doesnt matter if they retreat, because they cant (Missile arrows thank god).
Also they have such a nice landscape in the game, with alle the hill and Mountains. But what does it do? You think you have a nice hill to put your castle on top? does not matter. you could also just play on a plain sheet of white paper.

I also played some COH and i liked the mechancis. Even that you could fire cracks into the ice to drown ppl. ( You can also miss in COH2 btw and on top Tanks can repel projectiles, which adds to the spice to me to be honest)

I mean it is just my opinion here and there are alot of ppl enjoying the game (including me so far). I just cannot understand how the mechanic would ruin the game or make it worse.

All I read is that ppl are to lazy to micro manage units, that they are frustrated that they dont hit or that if it is realistic it has to be 100% realistic ( what I even would emphasize; population needs food anyone? ) but doesnt really add to the point.

In total It is a game, and games need reductions at some point, i can understand that. I just think the arrow and highground mechanics would ad so much more spice (also visually) to the game with so liltle effort.

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“Can you explain why it is an AMZAING choice? I do not understand.”
Read my post again.
This time, pay more attention, try and understand what you are reading without just thinking “game has to be like aoe2!! has to be like aoe2!!! has to be like aoe2!!! it’s been 25 years and it has to be like aoe2!!! its always aoe2 and will always be!! has to be aoe2!!!”


I never said that AoE4 has to be like AoE2 and never will, i think you didnt really read and just want to be angry. You didnt answear the question and you didnt say antyhing about it in your earlier post either. You just said non homing missiles should hit your own troops and that they should hit other targets that move in the spot where the arrows miss. I even agreed with you on this, on that point.
After that you were talking about the inconsistency of your AoE2 pvp matches because of the miss chance (which is actually on both sides; in COH2 counter units can also have a missed shot or it can deflect from a tank hull), which does have nothing to to with homing missiles but your rage against AoE2. So you complained about the non homing missles in Aoe2.

Its just that you think non homing projectiles have to be like in AoE2, but they dont have to be, there is alot in between actually.

Maybe you should free your thoughts from this: Non homing projectiles Have to be like in Aoe2!Non homing projectiles Have to be like in Aoe2!Non homing projectiles Have to be like in Aoe2!

It rather looks like that you dont like AoE2 and are frustrated with his pvp, which is fine for me (I dont play AoE2 or AoE4 in way competitively, like I stated before) but there are more games that have no homing projectiles that are not AoE2 and it still works.

Again i dont want AoE4 to be like AoE2, nor am I an micro genius or something. There are alot of differences between the two games and i like them, as i stated before.

Still, why are homing projectiles so much better?

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Ballistics in aoe2 adds more to the game play mechanics, something AOE IV lacks.


Yep it adds more.
More nonsense.


The following magic projectiles are really immersion breaking. After playing AOE2 and coming to the AOE4, it felt so wrong. And the ranged units have low damage due to homing missiles. Sieges are the worst type of units in the game so far. They dont have crews, good effects of ############ packaging and movement.

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AOE4 projectiles do exceed the max range of the ranged units and always hit its target even if the unit is falling back.

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They can put a range where the arrows will always hit, then a range where arrows can be dodged.
This will make this game a better one. And increase the projectile speed accordingly.
Current arrows are slow, like me throwing an apple. It will add that intensity and pace to the game.


There are 2 main problems with including that:

  • Balance readjustment and headache.
  • Average AoE4 players will complain strongly because they are either too used to it already or because they didn’t want that mechanic.
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Personally as much as I’d love to have non-homing projectiles in the game as they add a fun strategic layer to battles (and really only are an issue if you don’t have researched Ballistics (+ Thumb Ring if your civ has it) in AoE 2), this would require a heavy rework of the game and is just as likely as adding batch training(1) or snaring to the game to please former AoE 3 players.

(1) that one, however, could see a return as some kind of Landmark bonus like it was the case with the old Burgrave Palace.

Well, AOE4 players always adjust according to the new changes and it will continue. And non-homing projectiles are no different. The same thing they are.

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