so anyone having hosting issues where nobody can see your lobbies so you have to rehost like 4 times so the bugg will disappear
Lobby kinda bugged. Still see the same game like yesterday being in lobby, which causes “cannot join. Server issue”. You have to imagine: there is a lobby visible to everyone for 15+ hours which noone can join 11
2nd day in row lots of ghost lobbies, please reboot the server ?
yes there are a few right now lol
Greetings, all! The team has gone through and and made some updates on this end. Please let us know if it helps with this issue. However, they said it could take up to 24 hours to fully clear.
nope same issues cant play with my American friends we cant see each-others lobby’s never had a issue until your last server update stop breaking the game please
on the other hand looks like it is better, at least over last few days. lets give it another 2-3 weeks then we’ll have more consistent answers.