How big the next Expansion Will be?

Well, according to “Age of Noob” the expansion will be gigantic and will give us more to think about. Considering that apparently he really knows everything that will come out in the expansion, but as a good loyal fan of the company he respects the agreement not to reveal anything, we are only left with the greatest possible speculation.

Since nothing else can be done at the moment, I will try to finish the challenges of the “World Gaia Appreciation” event, which apparently sometimes get bugged. I won 2 prizes one day and they didn’t want to accept the 3rd prize for playing on the Pantano map. On the 2nd day they accepted it for playing in the swamp, and I already have the alligator icon.

On the other hand, since the expansion issue is already done, I will consider taking into account how the new civs are made for my future concepts. Now we know that things like roads, or wall-type structures like the aqueduct are valid for the gameplay, as well as having 2 or 3 types of monks (like the Japanese), possibly this influences taking more liberties when making concepts of new civs.

I’m already planning my own concept of Nordics, or Vikings, but by the Castle Age they became Danes, Norwegians and Swedes. Because they practically have the same origin and few unique technologies by themselves, at least for me I think it would be better for the 3 civs to come as one, and that with Landmarks they are separated into 3. That and finishing my model for the sultanate of Morocco and Al-Andalus.

Curiously, someone already made one of Al-andalus, congratulations (AL-ÁNDALUS CIV CONCEPT).