How many of you will be buying this as soon as it comes out ? :D

I will be :wink:

Ingen will to.
So many good memories with this game

@Knibzer said:
Ingen will to.
So many good memories with this game

it was the first game I played :stuck_out_tongue: cant wait for it to come out

Me, obviously :slight_smile:

I bit the bullet and upgraded to Windows 10 only because of this game!

@iplayaoe2 said:
I bit the bullet and upgraded to Windows 10 only because of this game!

Microsoft counted on that. :smiley:

it was the first game I played too !

I’m actually considering buying a new PC partly because of this game, I want to experience this game on max settings

I’ll even pre-order it if possible, so i don’t stress for release date.

@flip35 said:
I’m actually considering buying a new PC partly because of this game, I want to experience this game on max settings

Is your current PC still from 98’ xD ?

Guess I and my wife both will get this when it comes out. We still duke out AoE2 every now and then when we have time.

I for one am going to jump on this ASAP - to all the people that complain about it not being on Steam, you can put non-Steam games on the launcher if that eases your suffering!

Of course

Absolutely, this game is amazing and holds so many memories for me.

Woot! The one and only Age of Empire, I mainly play Rise of Rome expansion.

@flip35 said:
I’m actually considering buying a new PC partly because of this game, I want to experience this game on max settings

The settings are not particularly stretching if you click ‘buy now’ it will show you the system specifications.

yes, I’ll watch some reviews first just so that the creators don’t get cocky but I am excited to get this. ROR gold was the first game I ever bought. I toiled my dads fields to buy this game and I played the snot out of it. I 'member when the trial version came out, I think it came in (PC magazine or something) and I played that over and over again and I hope that campaign is in the remake. Legend has it that there’s a missing Hittite campaign from AOE1 but I never did play it. My dad had a huge stereo system that could play my CD’s music tracks with what my young ears remember as live orchestral quality. Years later I tried to play the tunes on smaller modern systems and it was just crap. Maybe it was crap all along and I was just not cultured enough to know it back then but I tell myself that old hardware had the intended codecs to play the midi files but new rigs don’t.

i will buy it as soon as it get released, and focus on it with ease :smiley:

I’ll buy it in a heartbeat once I get the funds to anyways, I still have my gold edition still in its case and I’ve been dying to play this game again since they are remastering it.

Well, im on windows 7 and refuse to update but hopfully, with an win 10 emulator i could play it!

@SurerJungle1080 said:
Well, im on windows 7 and refuse to update but hopfully, with an win 10 emulator i could play it!

why not upgrade isn’t it free anyways ? :open_mouth: