How near completion is the Immortal Pillars DLC?

Since the trailer for the Immortal Pillars was released last September I have been anxiously waiting for its release. Now it is almost February a year later and no news on release date yet. The content creators have had their copies and the new achievements were up weeks ago. So where is our DLC?

I guess, maybe after this event finish on 26 Feb?

I sure hope so, can only take a certain number of broken promises before I shut down.

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They started revealing information about the DLC just a few days ago so I think it’s not unlikely that the release is in 1 month.
They usually announce DLC around a month before release but this one is different because it’s part of a season pass so it was practically announced before the release of AoMR.


Sorry but wasn’t the teaser for immortal pillars dropped 4 months ago?

Jup. I hope this teasing ends soon…

October 2024 then? Lol. Sorry.
But we don’t have a release date yet. Do you expect them to just release it, without giving a date beforehand, just like that? Or do you think when they announce a release date, It’ll say “Tomorrow” or “in three days” or something?

I assume we’ll get maybe another small tease in February, then when the event is over, they’ll tell us the release date, and it’ll be a month later.

Maybe the company would cancel those and refund all the money people pay for!

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Weren’t the expansions revealed in Steam? so you’re waiting a bit longer than that :wink:

Honestly, given the little information they’ve given us, I think they still need time, they say they want to fine-tune the details but that could still take months, I had predicted a release of the DLC at the end of the year and I’m believing it more and more. September or October for me.

Maaan ngl I really hope you’re wrong on this prediction, i’m hoping its released within 2 months

This DLC is unusual because as I said it was announced before the release of AoMR.

It seems AoE3DE DLC took like 6 month to make.
Now you suggest it would take like 9 months? So 200% longer?
Then the next DLC in 2027???

It’s not a new game, it’s just a DLC so why should it have to be delayed by a whole year?

@Skadidesu There are many indications that the DLC will be pushed back to the end of the year: the introduction of patches and challenges to stall players, the fact that there hasn’t even been an announcement of a release date, the fact that there isn’t even an official trailer apart from a teaser, the fact that saying “fine-tuning the details” means in IT jargon “there’s still a bit of development to do”.

If they want to set the bar high so as not to miss out (and they’re right to do so, because the success or otherwise of this DLC will inevitably determine the future of the game), they need to make something that’s almost perfect. The feedback from internal testers may have made them redo parts of the campaign and so on.

But why should it take >3x as long to make an AoMR DLC compared to an AoE2DE or AoE3DE DLC.
They already showed an ingame trailer months ago, so they are far beyond the concept stage.
They announced an AoE3DE DLC at the beginning of 2024 with the assumption they would be able to finish it within the same year despite having put 0 work into it so far at that point.

If they would actually take that long than that either means the DLC is way bigger then any other DLC or that the team size did shrink to like 1/3 or less.


they can’t release it at the end of the year because of steam, so they will release the 2 DLCs the following year, that is to say in 2025.

Also don’t forget that it’s just not the content, but also bug fixes and general polishing updates as well.

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Because it is so clear it takes a long time to realize it. If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.

Its already announced and the trailer was released in time for Tokyo Game Show. So that is probably not a good indicator how far they are down the development. But their are already 21 hidden achievements in AoMR, that are probably releated to the DLC. So can’t be too far off. Also, we are in the digital age, they can release it in an instant, no lead up time needed.

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Patches aren’t a stall tactic though, given they’re stuff that needs fixed. Granted there are also balance changes, but I think all of the patches have had at least one “here’s this major issue that was annoying players that we fixed”

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Yeah it’s really strange indeed.

I personally can only assume that either:

  • they had some issues (maybe with the two weapon mechanic for at least one or two units?)
  • They revamped some things cause they or someone wasn’t satisfied with some designs
  • They really add a 4th major god with 3 extra minor gods immediately

Other ideas?